A pending debt part 4

 "The sketches look genuine but not enough to prove you are the designer because for all I know you might not be the one who drew them," Kaiser argued, Cynthia frowned wondering if Kaiser still held a grudge against her.


 She bit her lips to control her frustration, which didn't skip Kaiser's attention. His mood brightened looking at her frustrated expression. It was refreshing because of the grudge he held against her.


 "Why don't you answer my previous question? What made this year different? What was your inspiration?" Kaiser decided to make things easier for Cynthia since his mood had improved a bit.


 Cynthia was stunned ' What is my inspiration?' she asked herself. Cynthia rather not answer that question at least not to him. 


 "My inspiration is my late mother. " Cynthia replied.


 "Your mother? How did she inspire you exactly?" Kaiser was not convinced by her clique answer.