How rich are you?

 In a game of two truths and one lie, there was a thirty-three percent chance of guessing it wrong.


 "Fine, I will play this game then," Jayden stated.


 "In no particular order, my statements are..."

 "I am the youngest child in my family."

 "I was once in love with a celebrity and we dated for a while."

 "And I am a millionaire." 


 Jayden stated his two truths and one lie. Venessa was in deep thoughts thinking which is the lie. She already has an idea of what it was.


 "I have no idea because nothing about your personal has been revealed to the public before but I do have a good guess," Venessa replied with a smile.


 "So my turn, in no particular order my statements are..."


 "I have been crushing on someone who will never love me back and the person is not someone you know."


 "My greatest wish is for my parents to come back from the dead and.."