Lucky vixen

 Alessia clenched her fist, she hoped things wouldn't come to this because considering how stubborn Jayden was, it would be very difficult for him to see the reason behind her plans. Everything she did was for his good and to protect him. 

 It seemed it was time she took matters into her own hands before it was too late. ' Alessandro don't make the same mistake you made with Petra.'




 At the Gomez residence, things were not looking so great. Petra just got the news of David's possible death and his mother was pouring her heart out over her son. 

 Note: I just found out two minor characters have the same name, Petra's mother's name is Christine same as Jayden's friend in the military. So to make things easier I will be changing Petra's mum's name to Catherine to match her sister who is David's mother Camilla. 

 Camila David's mother was crying her eyes out while she shared her son's predicament with Catherine her younger sister.