The drunk bunny

 "If you provoke me, trust me, you won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow."


 Venessa giggled at his words, she was too drunk to sense the warning in those words. She continued dancing in Jayden's arms not caring about the world or even the look he had in his eyes. She loved the way he held her protectively in his arms. His hands on her waist told her she could do whatever she wanted because he was there to protect her like he always does.


 "You are not going to do anything; all Jayden knows how to do is joke around, but he is never serious." She giggled and continued dancing according to the rhythm. Even the move she made was in flow with the beat like she was made for it.


 Jayden could not be mad at his bunny for long when she was happy. He had never seen her act this freely, alcohol does bring out the true side of people.