They look a like

 Miles turned to Dorothy stunned by her earlier statement. Someone with a lot of physical resemblance with Brandy what were the odds? "Do you have any details of the person or an image?" The ash blonde asked the housekeeper.


 "I forgot to take a sneak photo of her. I don't think I even know her name but I can vividly remember what she looks like." Dorothy pondered, the lady looked very similar to Cynthia with minor details admist. They both even possess rare amber eyes.


 Miles seemed like he was contemplating it for a while with his blue eyes unfocused. A long sigh left his mouth in response. "If that's the case, I want you to draw a very descriptive and realistic image of the lady in question and send it to me. This might be what we have been looking for."


 "Alright sir, I will get right to it." Dorothy nodded in reply.