Mewtwo Potential and New World

Meanwhile in a Forest, A Figure fell down from the Sky, It was none other than Brad, Brad saw that he has fell to the forest. He was unclear about his surroundings, He first wants to learn and recall everything happened around him.

Brad took a deep breath, He first saw his surroundings unlike before, Brad had a different perspective. His Eyes, Ears, Nose, Skin all are looking the same as Before but the way that Brain recieves the input from this Sensory Organs changed entirely, He could see a colourful world with a 360 p video to 4K Video. Were many tiny details are added like a blue energy that is forming a cycle around the surroundings flowing through, trees insects and so on.

Meanwhile his Nose could pick each different scent and differentiate into distinct scents by identifying it. The same goes for Ears, Skin and It must be the same for his Tongue. What is even more amazing is he did not get his Brain affected in any way. The information are processed and his logical thinking is not affected and it is even enhanced.

Brad then slowly recalled everything, Brad " So, this is the potential of Mewtwo. So am I a walking Pokemon. Amazing, but still I would have been happy if I could command Pokemons to Battle. Not that I am complaining about have such powers. " As he explored his Own Body but suddenly felt that he is not as strong as he expected.

Brad saw a piece of Stones in the Ground, With his powerful Brain that has been enhanced sensed the Psychic Energy in his Body and tried to control the stones. He easily made one Stone Float, Then the second one and third until five stones and then felt hard to control the rest. Brad did not show any disappointment and then used the Psychic to control the movement by slowly increasing the speed.

But as Speed increased, his Mind also felt rapid decline of his Powers. He continued but in one particular moment a Sharp Headache occured made him loose his control over Stones making them Fall. After that he clearly felt that his Body transfers it energy to his Mind and his Stomach is rumbling in Hunger.

His Senses started to weaken and he felt very uncomfortable like all his senses became dull like a Normal Human Being. His improved thinking cannot knew what happened. Brad " Is it some kind of Backlash or what!? " Brad felt hunger rising, He ran in one direction without thinking another thing,

All he knew is that he must find some food, as he don't knew what World that he is in now and he can be sure that it is not a Pokemon World as in the forest while he had clear senses, he never sensed any Pokemon or anything close to it. All he found is a peculiar energy around him.

Brad searched for food that is anything edible. If he found any human Settlement it will be fine. But he found himself unable to do so as slowly yet steadily his Body is being drained of the Energy. As Brad kept using his Energy sensing to check for Wild Animals or Close. As even he knew that blindly going in a unknown forest even In earth is dangerous.

Brad being a Neet with Zero Life saving skills, Despite having his Brain Evolved without any prior knowledge, he is useless. Brad knew this and so he must wish for a Human Settlement. As he was approaching he sensed a Group of People in Caravan moving in a Road.

Brad " I don't knew what kind of people are they. Anyway winners can't be choosers. All I can do is move some distance forward in that direction and pretend to be faint and save the rest of the energy in my body. " as he moved a certain distance away from the caravan in such a way that they would be in a way find a unconscious man on the Road.

Brad did exactly as he planned and as soon as he reached the Road, he let go of his Body to faint in the road. But his well developed Brain had always senses his Surroundings with a Dia of 10 m for Danger. And his Body entered a similar state of Partial Hibernation.

At Caravan, There were Few Goods and a Middle aged Man sitting inside the Caravan, The Goods are being carried by a 4 Well Built Muscular Men. And they were Escorted by 8 Warriors with Swords, Spears, Bow and Arrows. The Merchant Group is known as Shigeru Merchant Group.

The Leader of the Merchant Group is Aoki Nakamura. He is a Merchant of the Fire Nation. His Parents always wanted him to be an extraordinary Person. Sadly life doesn't go in planned way. Despite being smart, he didn't have any outstanding strength of other Merchant Groups.

Only thing that he has is a Group of Loyal Subordinates that He raised from the start, he had ambition and Talent but did not have strength to Raise as a Top Merchant. So he accepted this Mediacore Life as a Normal Merchant. As he was moving in a Direction, The 8 Guards immediately become alert as they saw a Young man in a weird Clothing is lying on the Road in a Distance.

The Guards Name is Kazuki Furukawa, the leader of Shigeru Merchant Group's Guards. Kazuki " Master, there seems to be a person lying on the Road unconscious. " Aoki Nakamura " Kazuki, order everyone to be on Guards. See whether there are any Bandits in the nearby. See the possible position of Ambush. "

He then turned to a warrior with Bow and Arrows said " Kenta, make sure while Takeo goes and saves the Boy, you lookout for the possible attack. If there is any abnormalities Fire the arrows without Hesitation. " The Warrior named Kenta Nodded. Then he looked at the rest " Everyone, stay on Guard "

The Guy named Takeo slowly with Guard reached out to Brad who is laying on the Road, Takeo with Vigilance with the Dagger Ready to Give a Decisive Blow in case anything happens. Brad who was lying down felt other Party approaching with Vigilance. He clearly heard the instructions, so he knew he will be saved. He let go of his Vigilance for now and exhaustion hit him and he fainted.