Tale of Jiraya the Gallant

Tsunade knew that things are going in the wrong way. Shizune too knew that it is not good. Jiraya in the Bench sitting with Tsunade almost confessed, he asked her that if he returns will she... Tsunade felt her heart tighten. Jiraya " let's have a Bet Tsunade, you bet that I will die, as you always loose your bet. ... "

Tsunade cried " You stubborn fool...", It really hurts when she wins the Gamble, She already saw Orochimaru's death in the Hands of Sasuke and later him being sealed by Itachi in Totsko Blade. After that the entire episodes of Jiraya infiltrating Rain Village and facing Konan and Nagato and to the very last second he sent the intel to the Leaf by inscribing the Code on Lord Fukasaku, He fell deep into the waters.

Jiraya was having thinking of his Last Words, seeing this again Kawaki cries again. No matter how many times he sees it, he cries again

Jiraya ' In the Shinobi World, Its not how you live, it's how you die.

A Shinobi's life is not measure by how they live, but rather what they managed to accomplish before their death.

And looking back my life is full of Nothing but Failiures, continually rejected by Tsunade and unable to stop my Friend.

And unable to protect either my student or my mentor.

Compared to the great deeds of the hokage my actions are all insignificant things and deed.

I wish I could have died like each of the hokage. A tale is only good as it's final turn of events. A plot twist. And mistakes are important part of a plot, too.

I lived my life always believing that the lessons I learned are what hound me. I swore I'd accomplish a deed so great that it would obliterate all my failures. I'd die as a splendid shinobi, at least that's least that's how it's supposed to go.

But my tale ending like this... The Great lord Elder prophesied that I would be the one to guide the revolution. A person who would make a great choice that will bring either peace or destruction to the world of the shinobi.

I thought I would defeat Pain, stop the Akatsuki and save the world from destruction. But in the end, I failed that, too. How pitiful.

How sad that this will be the end twist to the tale of Jiraiya the Gallant. What a worthless story it turned out to be. "

Tsunade and Shizune cannot control their tears anymore. Kawaki knew how much pain this would bring to Tsunade but that is more to a reason that she must go through the pain, Kawaki also had Tsunade fantasy in real life but when she is here he did not feel it in such a way since he knew one who deserves her is none other than Jiraya the Galant.

Jirayas thoughts flashed '

Never going back on your word no matter what and never giving up despite what the odds may tell you to do.

Naruto- if that is truly your ninja way, than as you teacher I have no business at all whining. Because as everyone knows, a student inherits his ninja way from his teacher.

Right, Natuto? Isn't that so? Never give up! No matter what. That was the true choice that I was supposed to make. Naruto, you are the prophecy. I'm sure of it now. I leave the rest to you.

Naruto. Now that I think about it, you're just like that novel's main character. You've inherited Minato and Kushina's wishes. Their hopes. And yet... And yet I...

As they saw another flashback in Jiraya's memory.

Minato Namikaze the fourth Hokage appeared said " You are my sensei Jiraiya. You are a great ninja who possesses true talent. There's no one else like you in a whole world! "

As Jirayas thoughts started wavering

Jiraiya " A real ninja is one who endures no matter what gets thrown at him. Let me explain something to you: There's only one thing that matters if you are a shinobi. And it isn't the number of jutsu you possess. What do you need is the guts... to never give up! "

As atlast the sad end happened in the space

Jiraiya " The Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant. Now it'll end a bit better, I hope. The final chapter... I'll call it: Frog at the bottom of the well drifts of into the great ocean. Just barely glorious... But glorious indeed. Now I suppose it's about time I put down my pen.

Oh, right... What should I name the sequel? I wonder... Let's see: The Tale of Naruto Uzumaki. Yes... That has a nice ring to it. "

At this moment all the memories fade away. Tsunade cried again and again so much more than she did for Nawaki and Kato Dan. But the sadness that caused her to loose the qualifications of the Medical Ninja.

Now this tragedy which was about to happen gave her a Reason similarly the reason that Naruto Gave her to live well. She wants to settle down with Jiraya. She do not want to Jiraya's novel to end so soon. Shizune also felt the same way.

Kawaki " I want to show you further on what happened but I knew that you would need some time to adjust yourself. Anyway now you knew, Why I trust you and do not trust Leaf as the Disgusting Cyclops is among the upper echelons of the Leaf.... " Kawaki saw that he is not sensible enough.

He cancelled the connection as they return to Kawaki's home. Tsunade " Thank You for showing this to me. This means a Lot to me. Give me some time to get my thoughts straight. " Kawaki " No issues, and don't tell anyone about my powers here as I have not shared with anyone. And I showed you guys this because I hate the ending of the sequel Tale of Jiraya the Galant. I still wants to see the Good and happy ending parts like him seeing Naruto marry and have kids in the Future. "

Tsuanade " He will, that fool will definitely. " Kawaki gave Tsunade and Shizune some space. Tomorrow he will tear the Hypocrite Danzo and his evil to Tsunade. He does not have much time as the attention that Shigeru is getting dangerous as many Gennins of local Shinobi Villages started to appear. It won't take long for the world to find Pokemons.