Tomi's Surprise, Pokemon Center

All thses time Tomi, was grumping when Kawaki did not even bother to look at her. Tomi is in a bad mood. Suddenly she heard Kawaki calling her " Tomi, come here for a moment. " Tomi looked bewildered she came before Tsunade and Kawaki. Kawaki looked at Aoki and the others, Kazuki at the side nodded and left immediately.

Tsunade and Shizune all are watching the show. At the time Kawaki looked at Tomi, Kawaki '' Tomi, it has been around half a year since we met and I have seen your dedication and love that you are showing to all these Pokemons all these time. You are excellent care taker. So I want to ask do you accept a certain Task from you. And are you willing to do it. "

Tomi looked bewildered at Kawaki, Tsunade, Shizune all looked curious meanwhile Aoki smiled as Kawaki had discussed with him previously. Tomi " I will help Big Brother whatever asks me to do. " She has complete faith in Kawaki that he will take care of her. He can see his Sister Sarah's shadow on this young girl.

He smiled " I asked Lady Tsunade to train Pokemon Doctors, because the Person I want to train is none other than you. And you will along with talented Kids will start a New Career of Pokemon Doctors help the wounded Pokemon are you willing to do it. " Tomi suddenly had Happy tears in her eyes.

Tomi cried and hugged him " Thank you Big Brother, I will really become the best Pokemon Doctor. " Kawaki " there, there you must not cry. " As he said Kazuki brought a Big Cake at the same height as Tomi, which was made using the Milk Cream from Moo Moo Milk. And the Fruit Trees that was developed by them for Flavour.

Tomi was surprised to see this. Even Shizune and Tsunade understood that today is this little girls Happy Birthday. As everyone shouted " Happy Birthday Tomi!!!! " Soon Tomi became so happy that she was having a Rollercoaster in her joyous feelings. Kawaki " And this is not the end as every Pokemon Doctor has a Healing Pokemon to help them. And you are the first person to have the Healing Pokemon as your Partner. "

As he said that, he partially selected the hidden Mission Reward and Selected a Happiny. As that a mystery Box appeared and slowly rotated in his Hand and a Small adorable Little Pink guy who looked like a Walking egg and have two round blushes on the Cheek with a little Round White Rock with it. It is so adorable that it formed Heart Throb to every one present.

Tomi looked at Happiny and Latter also looked back at Tomi. Happiny liked Little Tomi and held its hand to move towards her Happiny " Happiny Happiny... " . Tomi picked Happiny and played with Happiny. Seeing his Daughter laugh Happily Aoki had a gentle smile with a moist eyes.

Shizune really have a heart throb eyes. Then the Cake was cut and everyone had the Taste, surely the taste is so natural and energetic it is so good. The Celebrations went for a while. After that He brought Tsunade and Shizune with Katsuyu to the Pokemon Center.

The Celebrations are done, now the cleaning has been completed in a short while. Tomi took Happiny to meet Miltanks and Tauros, at the Time Charmillion came to meet Kawaki. Kawaki "Charmillion, I am really sorry. That I have not been concentrating on you lately. After the arrangements are done here, We will fully concentrate on our Training and get stronger. "

Charmillion" Char char... " Kawaki after a while raised his hands and slowly the Hidden Mission Reward formed in his Hands as the Colourful box appeared and spread out. It automatically transformed the building into a fully functional Pokemon Center.

Various Medical Equipments formed in the Building, the wonderful sight fascinated all of them including Kawaki. Kawaki really don't knew what to say. Kawaki " So Hidden Mission Rewards are truly the best I see. " Then he thought about the Leaf Police Force even if the Uchiha is not present. Tsunade could start the Police Force to restrict Danzo.

As the fully operational Pokemon Center appeared, A Instruction Manual appeared in the Table. Kawaki just skimmed through the Manual and understood it is about diffent equipments in the Pokemon Center, which includes many Research Equipments manual.

Tsunade and Shizune was fascinated. Kawaki gave the Instruction Manual to them and suddenly a Group of Happiny, Chancy, 2 Blissey and a Audino Appeared. Seeing all these Pokemon, they were overwhelmed. Kawaki '' In the computer, there is Research datas, Pokemon Medicine Recipes, Properties of Ingredients. Pokemon Types and so on. All of the knowledge of a Powerful Medical Clan of my World. It is all present in this Pokemon Center. This will surely be of Help to you I suppose. "

Shizune " Ohh my God!!! of course it will be. " Katsuyu " Kawaki, if you want you could visit Main Body to discuss about Co operation. We in the Shikkotsu Forest will absolutely help you. " Kawaki " Thank you Lady Katsuyu. Actually I do needed help, I want to train Ninja Fighting techniques. I was actually wanted to Find Lord Jiraya to teach me. I even planned to fool him into dying my hair Blond to teach me and pose as Child of Prophecy ha ha ha. ."

Tsunade looked at him with disgust. Shizune " You really don't have any sense of Humour, it will only make others irritated. '' Kawaki ' So that's why Sarah always looks at me with disgust. ' Tsunade " I will teach you Ninjutsu. And fighting all you have to do is fight me for Half an Hour Daily. "

Kawaki nodded happily, he knew that Tsunade will kill him, and in order to become stronger only some fractures daily it is not too bad of a deal right!?