Danzo makes the Move

In the Hokage Office, Hiruzen '' He gave you the condition that unles I step down and either you or Jiraya take the position of Hokage he will not release Pokemons to Hidden Leaf Village right. " Tsunade said " Yes. " Hiruzen '' I will write a letter to Daimayo to select you as the Fifth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village. And I will take over the Roots with Danzo and the others will be relieved of their Duties. "

Hiruzen " Under my Authority, I will personally punish him, for Murdering Shisui Uchiha and use Lord Hashirama's Cells. I will imprison him in the Village. " Tsunade knew that this is the biggest concession the Old Man could make. And she was sure that the Kawaki showed her is truth because no one could fabricate such a lie without any logic mistakes which cannot be seen through.

Hiruzen " Tsunade, I knew I am incompetent in leading the path of Hokage by being soft Hearted. I hope that you lead it to the peak. " Tsunade " Old Man, We would be outdated and will not be strong enough to face the upcoming battles after Kaguya Otsutsuki with our current rate of Development. We must unite the Forces. The Peace through Compramise will crumble. The Peace through Strength and Pain will last forever. "

Tsunade " There is one thing I would like to accept Pain's word, unless everyone understand the same Pain. The Human beings will not understand each other. I want to have a Five Kage Meeting to be Held in the same Land of Iron. And the information of Otsutsuki can be confirmed with Eight Tails. So this alliance is necessary and to form a effective Trade Relations. "

Meanwhile in the Roots Base. Danzo looked at the report that Orochimaru has sent to him. He really did not knew what to say. Danzo " So these magical Creatures has the power of Nature Chakra. Then if researched well and with the Ninja full of army of these Psychic Beasts. Hidden Leaf will dominate the other Great Nations. "

Danzo then reviewed the information and then decided, Danzo called his loyal Subordinate Fu Yamanaka and Torune Aburame. Danzo " Your mission is important one take 20 Root Ninjas and capture Aoki Nakamura and Tomi Nakamura alive. Don't need to care about the others. " They two complied and left immediately.

Tsunade did not leave the Leaf Village to sort out the arrangements of her to become Hokage. On the following day an emergency summon for Clan Leaders of all Clan and with Village Elders are being Held. Hiruzen made his decision that Tsunade will become the Fifth Hokage of the Leaf Village.

Koharu " No, this is not right!!! " She bore a grudge on how Tsunade acted on her yesterday. Homura " Hiruzen, it is too rash to suddenly decide on another Hokage don't you think. '' Danzo meanwhile gets mad. Hiruzen " No, it should have been done early. It is only delayed due to Tsunade not being able to overcome her Blood Phobea. Now she have overcome that fear, I should probably rest. And it is about time that we entrust the rest to Younger Generation. "

Koharu and Homura could not speak anymore. Shikaku Nara was happy about such a decision. Yamanaka Inoichi, Akimichi Choza, even Hyuga Hiashi were happy with the decision. Hiruzen Sarutobi " Meanwhile as Hokage the Anbu will fall into Tsunade's controll but to let her get used to the Position. I would support her by integrating Root to the Anbu and help her manage it for a while. As there is no need for Two seperate Anbu divisions in the same Village. "

Danzo '' Why!? It is going fine with it. On what Basis you are suddenly integrating Root with the Regular Anbu. Root are specially for the Protection of Village outside threats. " Hiruzen " It is the condition that Tsunade gave to me. And it is really a good proposal. And I don't need to say all the pros and Cons here one by one to you here. As you knew too well and if you really want to say it here. let me say it. "

Danzo " Hiruzen, this is ridiculous without root.... " Hiruzen " Since you are unwilling... " Hiruzen raised his Hands and all the Anbu appeared surrounding Danzo including the Sealing Core Unit of the Hidden Leaf. Danzo was surrounded and the Sealing Core took immediate Action. When Danzo tried to avoid, he found that he was bound to his Shadow. Seeing that Shikaku Nara bound him.

Sealing Core immediately sealed Danzo's Sharingan Right Eye. Koharu " Hiruzen!!! What are you doing!? " Danzo " Hiruzen!!!! " He really pannicked as both his Right arm and Right Eye is sealed. And he cannot do Hand Seals with one Arm. As for the Root Ninjas outside, they must have been dealt with by the Anbu.

Hiruzen Sarutobi " I knew that Orochimaru is a criminal for Conducting Horrible Human Experiments but you are equally responsible as you are the one supporting in the Shadows. You have almost succeeded Assassinating me which is another Crime. But I have tolerated for the sake of the Village and old Friendship sake. My indecessiveness in dealing with you costed so much price for the Village.

Now you have crossed the line by delivering the Secrets and colluded with Orochimaru to destroy Leaf and reinstate yourself as the Hokage. " Danzo was truly frightened as how Sarutobi found out. Everyone stayed silent. Koharu and Homura could not speak anymore.

At the time small Katsuyu appeared as a Summon to appear near Tsunade. Through summoning Link. Katsuyu " Tsunade Sama, it is an emergency, Aoki Nakamura and Tomi Nakamura have been attacked!!!!" Tsunade at the time got excited " What Happened!!? " the Others also stayed silent and only Danzo who knew felt a chance. Katsuyu " The Roots have Taken action on them, Kawaki is going on a Killing Spree in Rage out of Control State, It is a gruesome Death, Aoki and Tomi are poisoned by a Aburame Insect User. Among the Pokemons only your Venusaur has Purification. We need you to Hurry. The Poison type Pokemons are reducing the impact for while. But it is of little use. "

Danzo who felt his Chance disappear as the Target did not got caught, suddenly felt a Powerful Force in his Jaws fracturing it. Sending him flying to the Walls and breaking it consecutively out of the Building to lie in the Streets. Tsunade cannot control the Rage anymore. Hiruzen felt huge headache of learning about Kawaki's out of control anger.