Rookie 12 Pokemons

Naruto " Awesome!!!! " Sasuke also felt awe in front of Charizard. Even Shikamaru was in awe. Kawaki ' after this task completion, I would have a Professor Knowledge, How does Professor Brad sound!? ' He came out of his thinking when Naruto " Me!!! me!!! Me first. " Kawaki " No, you are the Last to get. " Naruto " Why!? " He was frustrated. Kawaki " Heroes tend to appear late. "

Naruto was shocked, Naruto " Me, a hero!? " Kawaki " Yeah, I think so. Don't you believe in yourself to be a Hero like the Fourth Hokage. " When he mentioned it, all the adults had surprised expression and then smile in their faces, especially Jiraya. Naruto " Believe it, I will become Hokage someday. Then everybody will respect me and acknowledge me. "

Kawaki " Do you think so, Then I would wait for such a day to see soon. " He smiled, he then had the Arceus Orb taken out. He called out " Rock Lee, could you come forward. " As he placed his Hand on the Orb and passed his Chakra through the Orb. The Orb radiates light and a Luxury Ball appeared.

Lee with excitement released the Pokeball. He saw a Blue Coloured Pokemon with Karate Outfit. Kawaki " Oh Not bad, you have got Sawk, a pure fighting type Pokemon. It is really frontal attack Pokemon. He is really a Hard worker. I hope that you would be friend and a training Partner. " Lee " Yeah!!! " He then enthusiasticly introduced himself to Sawk. Seeing Sawk, even Guy was happy and excited to Train.

Then Tenten came forward, she got a Honedge, after listening explanation she was thrilled to learn about it. Neji got Hawlucha a flying and Fighting type. Kawaki explained " The Pokemons that they have obtained will depend upon their own characters and their inner desire. "

Neji immediately knew the reason as deep in his heart he wants freedom, like Birds flying. He really loves Hawlucha which may warmed his heart. Kawaki ' In general, there is species strength factor in Pokemon. But the Pokemons that are summoned by the Orb should be Best of the Best. "

Then as for Team 10, Shikamaru got Drowzee, Choji got a Munchlax, Ino got Abra. Shikamaru felt he is really compatible with Drowzee as he will be able to have a common language between them. Same goes for Munchlax and Choji, Ino and Abra. Kawaki " Now looks like the Yamanaka Clan can be said to be a family of Psychic. "

Now Team 8, were Shino got a Scyther, deep down Shino wants everybody to remember him and wants to have a sense of Presence. And with Scyther he will have that presence. Kiba got Poochyena, a Canine Pokemon. Akamaru went to have friendship with Poochyena. As for Hinata a surprising thing happened, she did not got a normal Pokemon at all. She got a Legendary Pokemon.

Hinata got , it was so beautiful. Ino and Sakura were so jealous. Even Kurenai and Tsuanade were Jelous. Kawaki " Oh my god, I never knew you would be this Lucky. " Naruto " What Pokemon is this. It looks beautiful. " Her diamond brilliance and beauty will make even a women Jelous.

Kawaki " She is Diancie, a Rock and Fairy type Legendary Pokemon. She is strong at the very start itself. And there is a Special Evolution for Diancie which Lady Tsunade can have with her Venusaur. That form is so powerful that she could stop the attack of a Powerful Pokemon that deals with Energy of Death and Destruction itself. "

Tsunade and the others were shocked. Naruto " Awesome Hinata!!! " Hinata is having steam in her head. Kawaki " But you guys don't have to bother about it. It will be the fact that Legendary are stronger than normal Pokemon with high Potential. But all your Pokemons have the same Potential as Legendary which comes under exception. So it is upto your aptitude and dedication matters. "

Everyone nodded with joy after hearing it. Then the Team 7 were Sakura did the same were she obtained Audino. Tsunade nodded she also has a Blissey but Blissey is incharge of the Hospital and future Pokemon Center. So she is not included in the Main Team. Tsunade knew that Audino is really a good Pokemon. Sakura loved Audino.

Now Sasuke went for the Orb and he also did the same were he got surprised everybody. What he got is also one of the Best, It's presence itself intimidates others. It was a Lion like Pokemon with a Fur in Dark Brown. Kawaki loved this Pokemon in its Movie itself. He still remembered the Cool scene in Anime were a Single Flame thrower from the Far away mountain simply Destroyed Team Rocket were all the Local Pokemons failed when they attacked together.

Kawaki " He is Entei, a legendary Pokemon of Fire. He is said to be born at the eruption of Volcano. It sends massive bursts of Fire which said to Consume all it touches. " Sakura " Sasuke is so cool!!! " Sasuke nodded with satisfaction. Entei came to Sasuke and stayed around with him. All the Pokemons are in Juvenile stage and are yet to reach their Ideal Height. As Entei is still not big as in the original work but it is still bigger than the Current Sasuke.

Naruto is burning with Jelousy as Entei is super cool. Even Kawaki is Jelous as Entei is his Dream Pokemon. Who doesn't want Entei to be his Pokemon. He is the top Favourite and cool looking for him in the Jhoto trio. At last Naruto with eagerness passed his Chakra to the Orb. He also got a Pokemon. A Nebula looking small cutie with a Starry Sky Cloud like Ears.

But this time Kawaki screamed " This is madness, this is absolute madness!!!! " He screamed. Naruto who have just felt that he is not cool as Sasuke got stunned so as the Others. Kawaki screamed to the Orb. " Arceus, this is too cruel. Why!? Why!? " He cried. Naruto " Brother, why are you screaming!? "

Jiraya " Hey, Kawaki say about this Pokemon. We are curious. " All the Rookie 9 perked their ears. Kawaki with tears said " He is Cosmog a Nebula Pokemon. It is actually normal and does not have any attack power at start but his Final Evolution is a God, God level Pokemon which have the Concept of Day or Night depending upon time of Evolution. If the Final Evolution is in Day, then it is Solgaleo an emissary of the Sun. If the Final Evolution is in Night, it is emissary of the Moon. "

At the time Naruto was so happy he hugged Cosmog were Cosmog cheered and rubbed his Cheek with Naruto. Sasuke really clenched his First but slowly looked at Entei and he felt it is Ok. Entei is the coolest.