Earth's Situation

In the Hospital, after Brad woke up, he saw the crying face of his Mother who is seemingly loosing hope. He felt the strength in his arms are back and all the physical conditions are achieved what he had in Ninja World of Naruto. One and Half years has passed away in Reality.

Brad raised his Hand and touched the cheek that starts to have wrinkles to stroke it. Martha was stunned by the sudden warmth in the Cheeks. When she saw her son looking at her with longing eyes, her mind went blank for a second and then suddenly cried hugging him.

Martha " My dear Son, I thought, I have. Lost you!!! Please don't leave me, as long as I and your father live. You don't need to find the job at all. Just stay with us, we will take care of everything. We cannot think of what we will do without you... " She cried venting all her inner thoughts that she wanted to say for this one and half years.

Brad just embraced her to let her calm down, during these years in Ninja World, no one knew how much he missed his Family. Later a ward Nurse came and inspected him with surprise. And soon the Doctors all came to him. Inspecting him and surprised to see, he is in better Physical Condition. Then ever.

Brad was surprised to see the Black Technology like Hospital Equipments. In a way it is not just Black Technology it is with Mana. Brad clearly felt the Energy in Earth is several times higher than in the Ninja World which really surprised him.

Afterwards he met his Father Clark and sister Sarah. Sarah " At last this dead lazy Pig has chose to woke up. " Brad " Yeah, I felt that in Hell it is so boring to not have seeing a irritating face of my beloved Active Pig. " Martha " Stop Bickering at once. " Clark did not say much, Brad on the other hand who saw many Anime works knew that he is like Fugaku who don't knew how to say any loving and caring words at all.

Clark " Your Sister here is a B rank awakener who is a Healer class Awakener. She has the ability to connect minds with other people to cure their Mental Trauma and she could heal Physical Trauma upto some serious wounds. Now she is working in the City Hospital of our Government. Only because of her, you are allowed to stay in the Hospital with a Certain subsidy. "

Clark explained to Brad, the Parents felt that Brad was different from before, and he is in a stage where he can decide his Life and lead their family. So they wanted to have him current up to date. Martha " Ok, anyway I am going to do your Favourite Chicken Dish with mutton Gravy. And this time you would feel that the taste is really heavenly. "

Brad was happy that the Family is happy. He then looked at the Happy Family and decided to keep it as this much as possible. Next after the meal, he used the Internet to learn about many things. That multiple Dungeons formed on Earth in many Parts of the world. There were many Demon Beasts with no consciousness and grostique looking faces appeared.

There were even Goblins, Gnolls, Kobalds, Suras, Trolls were all appeared, the Population of the world has been reduced to a quarter of its original. Along with forming of Dungeons the People also started to awaken by the Mana Recovery of Earth. Which gave a attacking chance for Earth. Soon big Corporates and Governments all started to form a response team with awakeners

And soon formed a Balance. The Dungeons have a new Wealth. Clean Power Source, Mana Stones from the Monsters. Slowly the Mana Stones are starting to replace the Conventional Petroleum, And Mana Stones can make players strong. And there are many knowledge that are yet to be unearthed in Dungeon.

Best of the Example is Jameson Williams a scientist of UK accidentally entered a Dungeon were the Humanoids that are in Pink Colour similar to Humans in Shape were having adavance Magic Technology in Medicine and Robot, Jameson By Chance joined the Humanoids by some means and using his Talent Linguistics and Photographic Memory, he learned Healing Technology for Mana related issues.

He submitted a paper based on it and Wipro the Leading Corporate of Medicine Industry immediately got him to their side and within Half a year usi g their resources they developed A Mana Healing Chamber, Mana Potions, Health Potions and so on. This helped the People so much when exploring dungeon. Soon they have a complete monopoly over the Market and stood firm in it.

And the Dungeon aboriginals formed a Relationship with Wipro and formed a Pact. But what is the Pact that the world is not aware of it yet. Other industries are all bite the dust due to the Wipro's monopoly. And this made the huge demand for Linguistics Awakened, at the same time many auxiliary abilities are sought out.

And the Awakeners Association also changed the Awakeners Power category to Active and Passive and their uses. Only thing is they needed proper Identification method to identify the Super Powers. And other formats of Electronic Appliances, Communication Industry, Machinery Industry, Automobile Industry all are in Race to learn discover the Knowledge, as once that happens they may reach the same stage as Wipro. Meanwhile Wipro themselves are trying to Establish New Industries.

Seeing all this, Brad couldn't help but plan for the Future. Brad " The Awakeners are somewhat organised, there are Awakeners Guild which are sponsored by Many Corprates. The Guilds are ranked based on the Number of Dungeon Clears, Disaster Rescue Operations and so on. Wow the organised of so many profession for Awakeners are really somewhat amazing. "

There are Majority of the population are awakened and some said to be unawakened or either they don't knew their own Powers, or they have a Mana Rejecting Physique. There were many Patients who were in Comatose due to Mana overdosage. The World is still in a mess.