First Dungeon Experience

Brad agreed without hesitation, he must show some potential to have a decent say in this world, he just needed to show that will evoke interest at the same time it will not arouse Greed of the others. Edward with his Power applied for a D Rank Dungeon which held a Goblin Village which has more than 1000s of Goblins.

Edward to Brad " Mr. Brad, we are about to raise a D Ranked Dungeon, despite being a low Rank, it is really Dangerous. You can fight to your Heart Content till you give up. Our Association personal will be there to help you rescue. With your performance we will designate your Rank. " Brad with confusion asked " Isn't there any Dungeon with Rank less than D!? " He asked in confusion.

Edward " There are numerous Dungeons that spawn, But those Dungeons are cleared by the Scouts themselves. As they are not of Value to keep it and maintain the Dungeon so the Scouts clear it and keep the spoils for themselves. Which may not exceed 200 Mana Crystals. " Brad nodded and felt reasonable as the Dungeons spanning is nearly limitless and new Dungeons are spawning everyday.

Brad even felt if not for teaching the newbies the reality of the Situation, the Guilds and the Association would not bother to maintain D Rank Dungeons at all as a Single C Ranked Dungeon has twice the resources of 50 D Ranked Dungeons. And the Association has developed a Technology to measure the Mana Readings to determine the Initial Rank before Scouting and then it is certified after the Scouting for the Public use.

Brad and Edward went for the Dungeon area which is located nearby Base of the Association as it is association's exclusive Dungeon. The Same goes for the Other Guilds and Conglomerate as they need a steady source of Mana Crystals. The Exclusive Dungeon Price is simply Huge amount which will be in terms of Hundreds of Thousand Mana Crystals. Which will be a huge amounts of Billions of Dollors. And there are many political related legal issues are to be done.

Now Brad entered the Dungeon as, he entered the Dungeon he felt the Mana Density is slightly higher than the Outside World. Edward saw the confusion in Brad's face. He said " Actually the another reason for Guilds to have exclusive Dungeons is due to the Mana Density is higher than the earth as Practicing here and absorbing Mana in the Dungeon helps in faster Speed Growth Rate. "

Brad nodded and felt that if he conquered an S Rank or higher Dungeon it will be really Helpful for him. And in case he also does not needs it as he can travel to different Anime Worlds. Where Mana is huge and can practice there, but still he felt the need to conquer Dungeons in the Earth.

Edward " Anyway, all the best for Dungeon, we will be watching over you. " Brad walked through the Forest, he closed his eyes and scanned the entire Forest with Aura force, he had 3d map of the Forest in his Mind. He clearly found Edward who is hiding nearby 10 meters away from him and all the Goblins are attracted towards him. "

He clearly felt a specific smell twitching his Nose as he knew that Edward tweaked his clothes so that he would Attract Goblins. Brad walked through the Forest, he could fight but not show any abnormal talent for Forest Tracking or any other as he is a shut in NEET all his life. If he shows other skills which do not relate to Super Power, then it will arouse Suspicion.

Brad just walked through the Forest with Caution which can be seen by Edward. He suddenly slightly bent his Body Backwards, A Bone Dagger just a centimeter away from his Neck slashed empty Air. It was a Goblin who attacked a sneak attack. Brad caught the Goblin in Mid Air and slammed him to the Ground. He caught the Dagger and slashed the Goblins Neck, killed him cleaningly.

This time Brad used only his Fighting Energy and did not dare to use Psychic energy as who knews the Awakeners Association has any way of identity Psychic Power. A 10 Goblins surrounded him started a Co ordinate attack. All their movements are like a Slow Motion Video. He carefully kept the speed slightly faster than the Goblins.

There was a Goblin Shaman at the end, were Brad threw his Bone Dagger straight to the Brows of Goblin Shaman killing him. Then used Hand to Hand Combat to other Goblins to recapture their Weapons dodging their Attacks at Nick of time, He then cleanly killing of the Goblins. Edward who saw this was really impressed, he did not have the Confidence to accurately do what Brad managed to do.

The Shield Warrior, Meat Shields, Goblin Broad Swords man, Goblin Archers all were continuously killed by Brad without any extra Movements, His actions are like a work of Art, He at the end a Hobgoblin started to appear, Brad used Reverse Lotus to send the Hobgoblin flying to the Height and he with his high speed appeared above the Job Goblin killed the Hobgoblin by piercing his Neck, once the Kill count started to go above 150, the Goblins started to feel Fear and started Retreating.

Edward, called the Cleaning squad inside and collected 80 Mana Crystals and 450 Goblin Nails that are in good Condition, as for the Goblin Meat they were cleaned of Neatly and were sold to Domesticated Beast Owners who are usually the Alliance and Conglomerate who own their Own Dungeons. The Humans do not like Goblins but Monsters and Demonic Beasts like Goblin Meat and it is Healthy for them.

Edward, " After the Share that are given to the Cleaning Team 30 Mana Crystals, you could Take the rest of the loot to yourself. No need to pay Association for this Loot. And I can share you Places where you could sell Materials and Meats. " Brad felt thankful. Edward evaluated Brad's ability to be A Rank and only one step away from the S Rank. He is not eligible to provide S Rank Certificate for Awakeners and Brad felt this much is enough for his influence at present.

Brad " With this I should start plan my Actions and the World's that I should Go. "