Treacherous Ocean

Next day, Sarah went to Hospital as usual, she did not want to act unusual and Brad will take her to his Guild when he creates one. His Parents are not aware of anything that Sarah is going through, Their Parents did not go through any awakening or they do not knew their own Powers as they are still have normal Human Beings stat. As for passive ability, they will be found eventually anyway.

Brad went to Awakeners Association, Mew is inside his Pokeball, Charizard and Dratini also needs some fresh air, So he must learn all the things that he needed to be a scout. And soon start to Collect Space Fragments. Brad reached the Association and met with Edward who gave his contact. After Edward, gave a Mana Measuring Device meant for Scouts and a Satellite Monitoring Communicator which will give him intimate him of any nearby Dungeons.

He then was given a Video Classes for Scout, as they don't have that much personals for Scouting. He will not be assigned Scouting for a week, which will give him enough time to learn essentially about Scouting a Dungeon. He can apply for a Team or Solo, But if being a Solo, the best option is to go through Only E Rank Measuring Dungeons but that also will be Dangerous.

After that he went to home with the Mana Sensor, Communicator and Learnt about it in home. Unlike others his Super Brain allowed him to learn very faster and he knew what are the steps of Caution, that he has to take. Any Dungeon despite being it's rank has unpredictable Environment. He must have equipment to safe him from any type of Hazards.

Due to a certain Dungeon which are filled with Living Dead, The Infected Scout from the Dungeon returned and a plague was spread in that vicinity and without any option, the entire City was Quarantined and killed. This is one of the Harsh Reality lessons that made the danger of the Dungeon a huge one.

A Scout should have to have set of Drone Probe to learn about the Environment of Dungeon before entering it. And Initial Readings should be Documented and after readings are to be Documented again with key issues and Sent back to the Association, And the Association Branch will decide the plan of Action to take over the Dungeon or Distribution to the Guilds.

The D Ranked Dungeons should not be Completed by Scouts is a strict Rule. It can be only completed by Response Teams. And the number of Dungeons per area is always maintained and if any New Dungeon is better than the Old Dungeon, then the Old Dungeon is completed and made disappear.

As Brad took two days to learn everything needed, and he has grace period of 5 Days were he will not be tasked by the association. so he decided to leave the Communicator and a Shadow Clone remain in his Room, a s took the mana Sensor, he double Checked for any Tracker or Bug in it. And then only took it away, he teleported to the Orchard Beach which is few miles away from NewYork were a Military Base is stationed.

Brad appeared in Mid Air, with his Psychic Barrier around him. He used his Aura Detect to check on the Surroundings only to find the Soldiers are all on alert and many Fish looking Humanoid Monsters are present in the Ocean with Multiple Dungeons. Just the sheer number of Creatures in the Dungeon is Huge.

And He learned that the Monster meat is really delicious for Charizard and Dratini. Mew also likes to eat it. So he decided to Hunt Ocean area. But seeing the Ocean, he was really shocked, as Ocean has become Dangerous, and it is only a matter of Time that the Other Dungeon Creatures Taking over Earth if it is left as it is.

Brad " I have Teleport, and even if it is dangerous, I can enter other world and return after getting stronger to the same time. And if I want to Decimate Wipro, I must take some Risks. As he thought he went towards the Ocean with his Psychic stealth flying towards it. He knew that his Mana Sensor is useless as it could not be used when there is Dense Number of Dungeon Gates.

But thankfully, with his Aura Force, he could deferentiate each dungeon with Different Radiance, he entered the Dungeon with the Least Radiance on the Ocean Bed. Inside the Dungeon there is only Water, Brad covered himself with a Psychic Barrier. With his Pokemon Physique and Power of Mewtwo he can survive in Water. He brought Dratini and Mew Out. As Charizard will not be able to stay in Water. Dratini came to him and rubbed him along with Mew. Dratini was really lonely without meeting Him for a long time.

Mew turned itself into a Gyarados, In the Dungeon around 100s of Fishman were there with Tridents, Eating some Flesh raw and copulating, They are gross in many ways. Seeing this Brad let Dratini take action against the incoming Fishman. Brad " Dratini, Thunder Wave!!! " As he did that a Thunder Sparks erupted from the Dratini and hit the Incoming Fishmans which made them Paralyzed, Brad " Dratini, Use Twister!!!! " As he said that the a Cyclone slowly started to form as Dragonair performs a whopping action with a Dragon type energy.

Despite being weak in Brad's eyes it is enough to deal with the incoming Fishmen Creatures. Brad commanded " Mew, Finish it of with Hyper Beam. " Mew in Gyarados form released a massive Hyper Beam and decimated the Dungeon. As the Dungeon is being sucked inside Brad. At the same time a Pocket Space of is formed within Brad. Which he can use to Store Non Living things and Store Living things after it reaches 1000

Brad was thrown out of the Dungeon to the Ocean with Mew and Dratini to the Vast Sea. Where the sudden Disappearance of Dungeon caused a Commotion nearby attracting the Other Creatures nearby.