Fishmen's Trump Card

Brad ' They are really not just a bunch of Mad Beasts who knew only instincts, but still from Telepathy. I can hear only Kill repeatedly. But now we need an element of Surprise. ' The Soldiers Manually started firing as the Air Raid Members felt easier to dodge than the previous one, Just as the Fishman were felt like that they have escaped the Missiles. the small Missiles all changed Directions and accurately hit the Fishmen with the Weird Drums. Brad used his Psychic to slightly tweak the Directions of the missiles without anyone noticing.

The Fishmen were surprised, The Commander who saw the situation immediately gave the Command and the Missiles were launched again. But this is also only a short term solution as the Ammo is clearly not enough. Even the commander noticed it. So without any choice he deployed the Air Raid Team, this Team was purely made up of Flying Demonic Creatures like Wyverns, Winged Serpents, Pegasus, and so on. These were the Dungeon Creatures who were Domesticated by the Government by using Beast Taming Ability.

With nearly 100 of the Flying Creatures, they face more than 10,000s of the Flying Fishman. They started fighting Fiercely as the Beasts used Fire and Poison Breadths, Brad and the Commander both knew once the Air is breached, then it is good as over. They should take down the Commander as soon as Possible.

Meanwhile the Ground troops of the Fishman are gradually moving forward, Brad used his Aura Detect to form a Mental Mapping to see What the Fishmen are planning, since the fooders are all only have the drive to kill. It was someone else entirely who should have commanding the troops.

But what Brad saw made him Gasp in shock. Brad ' What the fuck is happening here!!? ' He saw that slowly the Ground forces and Air forces, each person's are isolated. Despite Leonel and Freya did not take action, waiting for the Right opportunity. The army will collapse. As a single person is facing 50 Fishman at a time.

These Fishman form a Specific Pattern like a Army Formation of Ancient Indians. Like a Intricate Mathematical Model. It is moving look like disoriented but it is still in a organised manner their movements are in such a way that once a Team Breakthrough inside to defeat the Commander the Team will eventually be split to Seperate Teams and they will be diverted to the Outside.

Only Brad who has the Super Brain and Aura Detect can identify this Issue soon. Brad ' It appears that this is not noticed among the Commander or both the S Class Awakeners who are Vice Leaders. ' He kept on killing and killing the Fishman. He is getting numb and so as the others everybody in the Ground has reached the Limit.

Commander gave the Command, " Swap forces!!! " As the Command is given, Desmond, Samuel, Brad and nearby fighters who are all fighting all tried to return back, but only at that time they realised how fucked their situation is as The Fishman all that escaped didn't completely entered the Army base but slowly isolated them and pushed them too far away from the Forces. "

Even the Commander, Leonel and Freya were shocked by the sudden turn of events as the Formation had a weird flow of energy which formed a Optical Deception to them, it felt like they are invading but in actual reality they are Isolating the attack forces. Even in the Sky some Wyverns and Snakes started falling down. Just the scale of this battle is enough to show how powerful a Formation is.

Brad " Remove the Head and the Rest will disperse themselves. " Brad formed a Shadow Clone and he commanded the clone " Save Desmond and Samuel to Retreat and faint like you have overused your stamina. " Brad decided in it. He knew that the chances of getting caught is high, but he has to take this action.

As he gave the Command, Clone dashed towards Desmond and Samuel without any delay. The Killing speed did not decrease at all, Desmond seeing Brad appear near him supported him, Brad pointed towards Samuel who is loosing his Stamina, he nodded and both moved towards him.

Without any choice the Pyromancer who is waiting started attacking the Fishman who are blocking the Awakeners from reaching the Front, There were a temporary Retreat. And this time they were careful for the new force entering and ensured that they were not seperated like before. Freya immediately used Crowd Healing were even th lost limbs of Many Awakeners and even some who are in near Death Condition were healed.

Brad's Clone knew it cannot faint, so it just stayed according to Plan and sent a Psychic message to Brad. Brad meanwhile disguised as a Fishman, he attacked the other Fishman and went towards the Formation Center, He transformed to Mega Evolution State. He released Mew from its Pokeball. Brad " Mew, use Heal Pulse on me to restore My Health and Stamina. "

Mew just did release it's heal Pulse which restored the Peak Condition of Brad. Mew attached himself to Brad. Brad at the time used his Extreme speed with his Aura Detect, he moved towards the Center were the Flow appears deep to the Ocean. Brad felt a Psychic flow appearing in the formation,at Brad's speed, Hardly any Creature could react but Brad did Disrupt the Flow of Command by Striking the Commander Fishmens in the Nodes of the Formation where the Energy flow Splits.

This action has let, disorganised attack patterns in the Frontline which relieved the Pressure of the Frontline. Which the Commander and the Awakeners took the chance and started to thin down the Forces that approached the Land which greatly relieved the Pressure for the Humanity side. Even the organised 10000 Fishmens of Air Calary were defeated after they lost their Order, As their single minded attack pattern. And the lack of Formation to distribute the Pressure among themselves.

Commander of Human Forces " I don't knew what is happening, but this is a good thing for us. " Brad on the other hand keeps on destroying the Nodal Points of the Formation by killing the comanders of the Fishman who controls other Fishman. Despite that the Formation is collapsing, there is still huge Number of Fishmans present madly attacking a Outsider.

Brad " All Mighty Push!!!!! " A Sheer Gravity Repulsion using Gravity attack pushed all the Nearby Fishman to the rear all collapsing by the sheer force and got killed by colliding with each other amd their weapons piercing each other. He slowly moved towards the Center, where there is a Huge Whale Shark which is atleast the Size of a Big Cruise Ship.

There was a Handsome Humanoid Person Standing on the Whale Shark with a Weird looking crown, he felt like he saw a Aquaman Movie which is similar to Atlantis Person in the movie. He has human skin tone but he has a Luxurious armour, his Armour covers his full body. He has gills in his Neck. He did not look like a primitive at all. He has high tech equipments that releasing some kind of soundwaves through water Medium.