New World, Bug level Ability limited by the World

Brad then started planting all the Seeds after settling all the Pokemons in respective Places. Like Wheezing in the Poison Forest which has Poisonous Miasma, Blastoise Family, Feebas, Magikarp Wailord Family are all in Ocean, Golem Family, Pikachu Group are all placed in Mountain Regions were it is rich in Minerals. Shuckle Group stays in the Berry Region.

He then allowed Mew, Draganair and Charizard to Manage these Pokemons and Dimension Space. This Space may Lack Sun and Moon, but the Usual Life for Plant did not got affected. The Foggy White Surface gave birth to all the Energy that is required for a Plant. Brad with his Pokemons started Terraforming his own Personal Space and at the same time, he started building a Library, which is about to be filled with all sort of Books. He then waited for another Month fully utilising his Wealth of nearly 200,000 Mana Crystals that he obtained from the Battle. He sold 10,000 Mana Crystals for all the obsolete Knowledge that is kept confidential before Mana Recovery. He brought many of the Research Papers which are deemed Obsolete.

He then had entertainment Section that filled with Novels and Manga. He had a Super Computer. He then built a Generator and a Huge Backup Battery to store Power Source. He built Simple Power Plant which would have taken Years became easy with Rock type Pokemons and Charizard along with his Super Brain. He did not have much rest as he occasionally do the Scouting Jobs that are to be Ranked.

He even Ranked C and B Ranked Dungeons. Just the Sheer difference between D and E Rank Dungeons made him amazed. C ranked Dungeons are like having Multiple Bosses which will have a Family. The Den of Monsters all have Super Powers. Meanwhile in B Ranked Dungeons there is a Small Scale Tribes of Different Humanoid Creatures with Intelligence, they have Complete Control over the Dungeon Inside which makes the phenomenal Increase in Difficulty. There was even a Mechanical Civilization built by a race named Avalon, the fact is they have incredible Learning Ability. They are Mad Scientists. If you were caught by them, it is a Fate worse than Death.

Even if he do not knew an A Class Dungeon, he for sure knew that it must have the minimum of a Small Kingdom or a Big City of Humanoids with Order and Hierarchy. As for S Class and Above it is too much above him. As for his current personal information, maximum he allowed to Scout is a A Ranked Ability. After a Month completed. He did a another Draw, which gave Underwater Vegetation Plants. He had Feebas and Magikarp along with Blastoise group help to Lay it in the Sea Bed. With these The Underwater will soon form a Ecosystem of their own. With Feebas and Magikarp will have a Steady Source of Food Supply.

As these were going on Brad focused on low level World Animes where Power levels is not on the Absurd scale, like Marvel, DC and Dragon Ball. Even One Punch Man are not that of much use. As for One Piece, Demon Slayer and so on. It depends on the Level which will make him increase his Own Strength. He avoided super Cultivation Novels and Manhwa's that Deals with Gods and so on.

On the Other Hand, he started targeting Worlds were there are not much progress but have Practical Abilities. In which he would be at the Peak at the same time, he could bring Pokemon to that World and may have the Chance to Unlock the First Award of the Main Mission. Brad while reading a Particular book of Chinese Historical Crossover caught his Interest.

It is a relatively low level Ability that can be done with Brad's current Brain with ease. But that setting of the Power made Brad almost drool. Brad murdered " It is simply on a whole different level which have surpassed even the Model creater Novel. The Only thing that limits that ability is purely the World Level Setting. If I could bring that Power outside then, the sheer Scale at which it could help me. Whoah " just this made him have many fantasies.

It is a Novel named Otaku Engeneer in Great Tang, the story of a Engineer Graduate named Li Zexuan had a Crossover to the Period of Emperor Li Shimin. One of the Powerful emperors of China. This was a Martial Arts setting Novel with Engineering Elements. Which is rather not much compared to the World's like One Piece, Demon Slayer and so on. Even in low Level Worlds it is not worth mentioning as it did not have much Manual for Martial Arts.

But what is that matters is the Ability of the Protagonist, Where he could have a 3D Design and Simulation Software like Power in his Head. Even that is within the Scope. But what matters the most is He almost modelled a Tank down to its every Bolt and Nut but failed due to the fact that his Mind did not have sufficient Spirit Power to Model it.

Brad had a thought ' If I could obtain that Power, I can Simulate Technology, Magic, Ninja Techniques, Martial Arts, Laws and so on. As long as I have Sufficient Mental Power. I could simulate even an Universe in my Head. ' This very thought made him to go to the world immediately. He just did want to get the power even if it is a Sliver of a Chance.

If only he had this ability when he fought Garth, his Equipments Weakness would have been found and he would have been emerged Victorious in the Matter of Seconds if there is a Weakness that Brad could exploit using any means. Brad " Anyway, I hope that this world would give me ways to obtain this power. If not, I could conquer it and try many of the Research to increase my own Knowledge ''

With that said, Brad had been Ready and he used his World Travel Ability and he soon found the World of Otaku Engineer in Great Tang. He moved through a Wormhole like Portal. He arrived at a Certain Land where there are trees and a Thatched Cottage in front of him.

While he appeared, with his Psychic inside he saw a Fourteen years young Boy may be 14 - 15 years old who just woke up and having his thoughts sorted out. At the same time he felt that the Boy has Fighting Energy within him which is quite Pure like Lucario's ability, the Pure Aura Force is no where near than the people he saw in Real World or in Ninja World.

At the same time, he felt that another person approaching him unlike the Boy, this Man or rather the Old Man who is appearing from the Forest collecting a Cloth Bag full of Herbs, he gave the sense of Natural Intimacy. He felt like how he will feel when Chansey and Happiny are there. A Natural Healer who is compassionate to Treat anyone as long as they are sick.

He knew that this man is Taoist Sun Simiao who is a renowned Doctor of this Time in Ancient China. He may not have that much liking to China Government much, as he is of a US Descent and the way Chinese People who were so proud in their bones, not that he complains it. But that does not give the reason that they could criticize others as Barbarians. But he also cannot change the fact that he hates Racist of his Own Country too. Overall he either Hates Chinese nor Like Chinese People. He is a neutral, But even he has to admit, this Doctor here deserves Respect irrespective of his Origin. And just he alone is enough for People of China to be proud in Brad's point of View.