Great Tang Emperor Li Shimin

Brad directly said his Purpose. Brad " Crown Prince, I will speak directly. What I wanted is giving you a offer to achieve strength a strongest Headstart in this world. It is upto the Great Tang to fetch that offer. I came here by the will of Heavenly Dao. Becoming Friends with Li Zexuan is my own Choice. But becoming Friends with the Royal Family is not. "

Li Chengqian and Li Changle got confused. The Guards on the other hand stayed firm in their positions. Brad " Like Mew here, There are many magical creatures known as Pokemon will appear all over the world by me Which will be sooner or Later. But the Heavens had gave me a Power and in exchange it asked me to provide help to teach the Great Tang the ways of the Pokemon. "

It is not what the Heaven asked directly but the request of marriage to form a connection itself is to protect and guide the Great Tang. Li Chengqian hesitated to speak anything, he is now just the crown Prince. He is not eligible to answer Brad. It is clear that he is sending the Message to his Father. Li Zexuan at the time has heard that there is a sudden court summon for him at tomorrow's court which was sent to home.

Brad " it seems that someone in the Court do not like little Xuan developing too fast. " Li Zexuan shrugged his shoulders, he did not care at all as he could tackle almost everything as long as he faced it. And even if the things go awry, he has Brad in his Home with Mew. They are his strongest backer and from the few days together, he has an Idea of Brad's Nature.

Li Chengqian embarassed he looked at Brad and Li Zexuan before taking Changle to the palace. He must speak with his Father and mother as soon as possible. Changle said good bye to Mew reluctantly. He then looked at the little Girl. But when they were about to Leave Brad stopped them " Your Highness Crown Prince, wait a moment. " And he turned to Xiao He who is outside and said " Xiao He bring Lan'er here " Xiao He ran to Lan'er who is playing outside to bring her soon.

Li Chengqian was confused, Li Zelan came with Xiao He. Lan'er '' Big Brother Karthi, what is it!? Is there any Magic you are going to Show!? " She asked in excitement. Brad " Do you need a Friend like Mew? " He asked her since she has been playing with Mew for a while. She became excited. Lan'er " Really!!! " Brad took Arceus Orb out of Nowhere which gave intense brightness to the room mesmerising everyone in the room.

Li Zexuan saw the pattern in the Orb he exclaimed " Is this...!? " Brad nodded. Li Zexuan gulped down the saliva. Brad " Lan'er come and touch the Orb. " Lan'er excitedly touched the Orb. Mew rested on Brad's head and looked curious. The Orb illuminated and gave a Luxury Pokeball. Lan'er looked excited she has saw, How Brad has released Pokemon once.

She got a Flabèbè, a cute Pokemon who looks like a little Fairy, holding the Flower Pollen. Li Zexuan is an engineer Otaku, he do knew Pokemon but not all of them. Brad " Flabèbè is a Garden Pokemon, it heals both body and soul with its presence. He is a good partner. " Lan'er was overjoyed but Brad became serious said " Lan'er, Flabèbè is a Living Pokemon, who has Feelings. It will always be loyal. Please don't hurt it's feeling in the future and take care of it all the time. "

Lan'er being a little girl did not understand many things. But Li Zexuan at the side said " Don't worry, we Li Family will treat Flabèbè as the member of our own. " He do knew Pokemons and a Pokemon came out of Arceus Orb is definitely an extraordinary one. This Kindness must be repaid. He decided that he would help Brad as long as he could do it.

Brad did not knew that in Future, He has gained a Solid Ally who helped him Recapture Earth from Dungeons. But that is for the Later, then he turned to Changle. Brad " Princess Changle, Do you want to have a Pokemon as your Friend? " Li Chengqian and Li Changle all became shocked. Li Changle " Big Brother, Is it Ok!? " Li Chengqian also got stunned but he was excited.

He urged Changle to take it. And when she touched the Orb, she got a Luxury Ball, she did exactly as Lan'er explained it to her, A little Cute Guy with Green Bob cut hair appeared. She is none other than Ralts. Seeing the shy Ralts, Li Changle filled with Love. Ralts hugged Changle and rubbed it's cheek with Changle. Li Chengqian gave a similar promise as Li Zexuan. Brad gave Moomoo milk and some Pokeblocks of Psychic and Fairy type to Changle. Which Ralts seeing it had drool in its face. Same goes for Flabèbè. Brad then gave LinZexuan the Fairy and Grass type Pokeblock.

After a while, they reached the Palace, where both of them immediately went to their Parents. The two people who were in the room was about to have dinner. A Old Man is serving these people Dishes. It was none other than one of the great emperors of China. Li Shimin and the Empress Changsun. The old man serving them is his Butler and Eunuch Zhao Song.

After a while Li Chengqian and Li Changle entered the Hall after recieving Permission. Li Chengqian " This son, sees father Emperor. " And Li Changle also gave her Courtesy. Li Shimin " It is exempted. " Li Chengqian " Father Emperor, I want to discuss something of Great Importance. "

Li Shimin saw the seriousness of the Situation. He raised his Hand up and all the Hidden Guards in the Hall left. When Empress Zhangsun was about to leave. Chengqian requested her to stay. Changle looked that all are left, she released Ralts from the Pokeball. Seeing the Magic happen before Li Shimin who is an ordinary human got shocked. So as the others.

Ralts saw Zhangsun who looked like Changle, she immediately went to her. Zhangsun seeing that the Cute little guy comming towards her, she after feeling shocked became fond of the little cute guy. She trusted that their children will not harm their Parents. Ralts giggled and played with Zhangsun. Li Shimin also temperorily came out of Shock and looked at the little Guy with Curious.

Changle, " Mother Empress, she is Ralts. But I have named her Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai is a Pokemon that big Sage Brother gave me.... " She then explained all the things happened. Li Chengqian then explained " Father, this Powerful Person claimed himself to travel from the South beyond the Himalayan Range. Where he was first met by Daoist Sun who happen to treating Little Xuan. There he met Little Xuan and became friends with him. After a while Little Xuan, asked me after knowing me to meet this Person named Karthikeyan from South. Where all this happened, all the things that I saw right before my eyes. If it is not seen by my own eyes, this child would not have believed it at all. "

He then waited for to Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun and the Eunuch Zhao Song to digest this news. After he continued " Li Zexuan advised, that the change is inevitable. The Heavenly Dao favoured our Great Tang by giving that person some Immortal Powers in exchange to marry a Person from a Royal Family to have his Bloodline continue in this Land. "

Li Shimin " What did you say that Li Zexuan mentioned Heavenly Dao!!? "