Pure Hearted Majin, Vampire Duke

At some other Base deep in a Forest, there is a hidden Dungeon, Inside the Dungeon there are Pink Majin Race who are pink Humanoids. They are a peace loving race or to be more precise they are innocent race who has advance brains. They are innately blessed with Mana Energy Manipulation. They met Jameson Williams the first scientist with the Linguistics ability.

They wholeheartedly and innocently taught him anything he asked. And Wipro who hired Jameson used the Majin Race without affecting their Purity of Thoughts. One day Jameson came to them and said " Hello my friends, We Humans in Earth are facing Dangerous Monsters. But we are weak, please help us by Using your DNA to help us grow new babies.

Majin leader Elijah " But, if we do this Human Women will die because our genes Will require absorption of more energy, the Female will die. " Jameson " We understand, but that is the situation we have been facing. And Humans are ready to take the risk. And entrust the Children to save our Peaceful Planet. " Elijah who also had his world destroyed " We understand, Despite being painful. We would help you. " he said with sincere expression face filled with sadness.

Jameson on the other hand had his inner self having a evil laugh. Jameson ' These pushover idiots are the best for us. And with him I would reach my dream of achieving Immortality. ' As that the Majins have been dedicating their research for the Wipro Group. Jameson found the Medicinal Cabin and AI operated Organ Transplant.

Jameson at the board of Directors meeting explained that the Birth of Majins is not possible by Cloning and can be done only by Natural Birth. The Natural Birth Period for Majins is period of 5 Years. So they came with the plan of Surrogacy through Humans. And there is a Rapid Age Chambers which will make the Baby a 15-16 years old.

But what they do is not really cultivate the Babies, as it is inefficient in many ways and there is always the chance of out of control due to their Pure Heart characteristics. So these Majins who are birthed are used to Organ transplant for the warriors. And Bone Marrow and Blood Cells and so on. This improves the Talent more effeciently and increases the anti aging factors.

At Present in the Hidden Research base, Jameson " She really is an excellent Surrogate Mother. If only ... " He while viewing the Sarah in a Dormancy Machine. With multiple Scans and Hi tech devices. And nearby he saw the monitoring screens were Wipro is being tarnished by a Strange Iron Man Suit and Brad who is cloaked in Darkness. Jameson " But does this Worth the risk that we are facing? "

He asked a question to the person near him, The person is none other than Mathew himself. Mathew " I also did not expect that Neet who is a Shut in and a Coward to be this strong either. But anyway, we don't need Wipro at all as we have already accomplished our goals. " When he said that his Serpentine Eyes looked at the screen reflecting the Monitoring Screen. "

Jameson " easy for you to say, anyway Wipro won't last even for a Day. " Mathew " Anyway, I am excited to see, how she will feel knowing that her child will be a Elixer or a Organ Plant for others. Even her brother became a criminal to save her. I hope that her Soul does not rest in peace in hell. " Jameson had chills on his spine.

He does not knew the complete details but he knew for sure that the Girl rejected him when he proposed. And he does not want even for her soul to be rest in peace. Jameson " Anyway, I dont care about anything as my research gets closer to become an immortal. " Mathew gave his Hand for Jameson to shake their hands.

When the both of them shook it, In their Hand there is a Eye Symbol tattooed. Meanwhile Brad after learning the truth about the Wipro's artificial Surrogate of Majin Fetus, his rage got boiled to the Extreme. But in this anger his rational thoughts also increased. Brad " Majins are innocent, so all Dungeon Creatures are all not violent, but that doesn't change the fact that if they are in my way. I would not hesitate to kill anybody. "

He then started destroying Wipro base, When he was about to complete the Destruction Brad felt a Suffocating Feeling in his Heart. He felt that the Blood flow is being affected, Brad unconciously used a Psychic to cover the body. When everything turned back to normal. Brad then used his Psychic to Scan and found a Handsome Old man with a French beard with a iconic red Pupils and Black Suit.

The Old man is of true Elegance, Vampire " Let me introduce myself, I am Vampire Duke Ross. " The amount of Mana that the old man releases it is so huge that it is several times higher than the Nameless Lich that Brad fought. Brad " I don't need to knew why you are here and all. But if you are here to stop me from reaching my sister. You will face death in a truest sense. "

Ross " Is that so!!! " He smiled like a gentleman. Brad did not play any games, he directly enveloped himself with Dark energy. Brad " Shadow Sneak!!!!! " Brad disappeared from the sight with a Darkness Enveloping him. He appeared just beside the Vampire Ross. But before his Attack reached his body, A Blood spear came out from Vampire Duke's body ready to be pearce Brad. He barely managed to escape the spear attack.

But the Spear like a Slithering snake suddenly changed Directions and Penetrated the torso region passing through it. Brad vomitted blood. Ross " I am still waiting to be killed by you!!! " Brad used Life Dew on himself to heal his Wounds. Brad ' I am arrogant to think, I am strong enough to save my sister. But that doesn't mean I would give up. '

Ross " Play time is over, I have to capture you. You would really love it after you have come to the research and our buffet table. We do take care of our ingredients. " Brad " ohh there but sadly you are in for a surprise.. " Brad teleported right before the Duke Ross. Ross expecting the attack formed a Blood Chains to bind Brad. When Brad was about to be binded a Small Space Opened and a Giant Shadow Ball Appeared.

The Shadow Ball disintegrated the Blood Chain sending the Ross Crashing down to the Ground. Brad without any delay used Extreme Speed towards The Vampire Duke, He used his most powerful attack " GENESIS SUPERNOVA!!!! " the huge Psychic Energy Compressed was like a massive Rasengan Disintegrated the most of the Body of the Duke Ross.

Duke Ross with the chance he escaped to form blood Bats to escape. Brad looked at the Duke who is leaving, he did not make any move as he is yet to find his Sister.