Fist King of Awakeners Association

Brad " What the Hell are you doing!? " Garth took his Blood from his Artery which has High Concentration of Mana. Which also has his Mana Signature which is unique to himself. The Blood is fed to the Medical Chamber in turn passed to the Fetus in Sarah's Womb. Garth " It is humiliating for my Betrothed to Carry a child which is not of my Blood. By this the Child in her womb will have my Blood. 

She is the Future Queen of Atlantis and the Child she gives birth should be the Heir to the Atlantis Throne. " Brad when he heard it, he stood shocked but what Garth is doing is unprecedented. And he himself questions that could he have done something same for a Girl who is about to marry. He did not pity her, he is saving the Dignity of his Sister. Garth " Actually that Mathew and Jameson had crossed multiple Strong DNA to the Surrogacy. It took a while for me to Erase it and Replace with my own DNA to the Fetus. "

Mathew himself wanted Sarah to feel as a Bitch. If not for the Fact Sarah should be Unharmed for the Procedure, he may have even let Many people Rape her to let her loose her Dignity. When Brad heard it, his Anger peaked, he wanted to tear him apart with his own hands. Brad at the time sensed Extreme Multiple Aura approaching towards the Room. Brad " Garth take my Sister and Leave!!!! I will take care of it here. " 

Brad with his Powers he opened a one side wormhole connecting to the Ocean, Garth became shocked about the new found powers of Brad, but before he could think of anything a Psychic field enveloped him and threw him to the wormhole. Brad for sure knew that for the next big fight is about to happen. As the Wipro is good as finished with all the damages done. But the real top people are still there. 

As the wormhole closed all the surroundings are turned to Icicles within a Fraction of Seconds. Brad released his Mega Evolution state to counter attack the incoming freezing Ice like spikes. Brad released a outward energy which shattered the Ice Shards that are incoming towards him. The Entire area is turned into a Ice Sculpted Land. Brad stood at the center while facing a middle aged man and a Old Butler.

Brad did not knew who these people are, but from the Mana they are emitting he knew that they are at the very minimum that are to the level of the Vampire Duke or may be even higher. But what disgusted him the most was the Aura of the Majin Race is mixed within him. Brad looked Coldly at the middle aged man. 

The Middle aged Man " Brad, the young scout with great Prospect. According to the laws of the Awakeners Association, the awakened who use his powers to murder, plunder, destroy are of to be severed their mana Veins and imprisoned in the Tartoros the Prison Dungeons for Mining Mana Stones. " Brad's gaze become colder and colder.

Brad did not have anymore nonsence to speak to him. He unsheathed his sword to form a Stance. The Middle aged man's eyes narrowed. Brad stimulated his nerves with Lightning to finish it of instantly. As he unleashed his Lightning breathing Instant Sword Drawing. The Sword got struck in a Ice Shield right before the middle aged man's neck. 

The Middle aged man " Interesting!! " The Ice like a living entity turned to multiple Spikes launched towards Brad. Brad used extreme speed to dodge the Ice Spikes. But the Middle aged Man's eyes followed the Brad's movements. When Brad kept a distance, from the Ground a Ice Pillar was suddenly launched towards him. Brad with his Aura Sense barely dodged the attack. 

The Old Butler just stayed silently keeping a distance from the fight. All the Ice around Brad like having their will of own attacked Brad from all directions. Brad released a Psychic Field around him. Brad " All Mighty Push!!!! " With that the incoming attacks were repelled. Brad who awakened the Time and Space talent found a anomaly. 

Brad it is not that he could track my movements because he is fast but he formed a Domain where the Time flows slower other than him, which means I am moving slower. Middle Aged Man " It seems that you caught on, in my domain I control everything including time. " As that massive outbursts of energy is getting released from him. Brad smiled which made the middle aged man frown, Brad " You control time? " When he asked that question. 

Brad released a huge Roar from his Mouth a Blue swirling energy released towards the middle aged Man, sensing the enormous danger the Middle aged man, dodged barely yet the beam partially grazed him. At the very moment the Middle aged man's age was rapidly aged to become a old aged man. And what's more surprising is that the Aura of the Majin completely disappeared.

The Middle aged man who has turned old screamed in terror, " What have you done to me!!? " Brad also found it shocking, he never imagined that the Roar of time which he used to reverse time had actually made the Old Man old. And to the worst for the old man, it had also erased the presence of Majin Aura on him. 

The old Butler watched all of it Coldly without any thought of intervening. The Old Man Roared " Noooooo!!!!!!! " Brad used his Psychic to restrain him and subdued him. Brad " So, why dont we start now!? " As he looked at the Old Butler. The Old Butler " Hahahaha.... "

He laughed heartily, " It seems you knew all along. Don't worry young man. " As the old Butler spoke, his appearance transformed into a middle aged Indian face with a Curved Blade Mustache. The Old Man who was bound by Brad was shocked silly. He screamed " Fist King!!!!! '' when Brad heard it he was shocked too, because during his time in Awakers Association, he knew that there was Ten Elders also known as Ten Heavenly Kings.

Devan the Fist King, who is master of unarmed Combat