System Rewards

Brad on the following day he met Desmond, Desmond " So you have finally decided to start your own Guild. " Brad " Yes Chief. " Desmond " As the Wipro had been destroyed, the multiple Dungeons that they have maintained has become a big cake were everyone wanted to get a Slice.

And without any option the Majin Race who learnt the truth of Wipro felt so Sad. So their King Elijah wanted to support the Person who ended Wipro. So the Association has decided that Wipro's assets will be sold to you for 10000 Top grade Mana Stones. And they have also given you a Deadline of 3 months to pay to the association. If not all the assets will be confiscated. "

Hearing this Brad was overwhelmed, despite he may wanted to kill the entire Majin Race, they are innocent and only wanted to help the Humans. It was the humans who have missused the trust. So Brad will accept them with open Arms. Brad after sorting out all his works and rewards, he also purchased the initial funds of 100 top grade Mana Stones.

As he knew once he established his Guild he would get the Carbink Mine who would produce Mana Stones endlessly from the Dungeons Mana. As that he started checking his Own System panel after long time and he is ready to draw his Monthly Draws which are pending.

Name: Brad (Kawaki - Naruto World

Karthikeyan - Indian Name)

Age:24 Years

Lvl : Lvl 102/∞ ( Mewtwo Potential)

Abilities: Mewtwo's abilities including Mega Evolution X&Y combined( Human Modified Version ), World Travel.

Type: Psychic, Fighting, Dark

Plates Law Fragment: Dark type,

Soul Chakra Gates: Earth Gate opened, Water Chakra Opened

Skills: Eight Inner Gates, Design, Scanning & Augmented Reality with Test Simulations

Knowledge: Team Rockets Systematic Research knowledge Data and Results, Pokemon Center blueprint, Nurse Joy Family Medical Database, Officer Jenny Families Training Legacy. Detective Learning. PokeBall Manufacturing, Pokeblock manufacturing.

Item Bound: Arceus Orb (Can only be used by important Characters in Anime Worlds and Hosts Family, No other limit )

Pokemon: Charizard, Dragonite, Mew, Lugia


Main Mission: Spread Pokemon Influence in Earth and Anime Worlds


Stage 1 Reward: Spatial Rend (Unsealed) and Roar of Time(Sealed) Unlocks at Lvl 100.

Stage 1: Spread Pokemon in 1 World.(1/1)

Stage 2: Spread Pokemon in 3 Worlds.(1/3)

Stage 3: Unlock after Stage 2 Completion.

Sub Mission 2: Establish your Own Force on Earth. (Note: Own at least one Exclusive Dungeon with C Rank or Above) ( Completed)

Reward: Diancie and Carbink Family, ( Can Produce Mana Crystals using Mana in the Atmosphere.) (Yet to be extracted)

Sub Mission 3: Clear Dungeons as much as Possible to collect Space Fragments to form your Own Pokemon Dimension(Can let Pokemon form Ecology there and Can be released there without any worry)

E Rank Dungeon: +1 sq. km

D Rank Dungeon: +10

C Rank Dungeon: +100

B Rank Dungeon: +1000

A Rank Dungeon: +10000

S Rank Dungeon: +100000

Mythical Rank Dungeon: ??????

Current Area: 119658 (Time Flow same as Brad's own time. Can connect to all Worlds Laws that Brad Visits)

Required Minimum Area: 1000 to form Ecology for Pokemons.

Reward: Psychic Plate for 200000, ???????? For having 1000000

Sub Mission 4: Conquer your Nearby Sea Area minimum area of 100000 sq. km

Current Area: 0

Reward: Obtain Sea Temple, and Manapy to Manage the Temple. You will be crowned as the King of the Sea. (You can command all Water Pokemon in Ocean.)

Miscellaneous Mission 1: Anhilate WIPRO and Pink Humanoids. (Completed)

Reward: Gastly(Shiny) (to be extracted)

Daily Draw: 3/10 ( Can Summon Pokemons, Items and so on, Refresh 1 draw a Month) (Will get refreshed in New World, Required to stay in the New World for minimum 10 months. Not applicable to Earth. )

Drawn Rewards: HoHo summoning x3, (Yet to be extracted)

Note: the summoned Pokemon from Draw cannot be used by the Host and can only be used by other People. And Rewarded Pokemon Eggs and Pokemons all have the potential of Legendary Pokemon.

Seeing that he drawn the 3 spins that remaining, he obtained Alolan Vulpix x100, Vulpix x100, Soothe Bell Production Method. He then looked at the Miscellaneous mission were to destroy the Majins and Wipro since, he got rid of Wipro and obtained the Majins he has completed the Mission. He drawn his purple Ghost Gas Ball which is white colour.

And what is even more amazing is his Gastly has three types Poison, Ghost and Dark type. Gastly circled Brad, it gave a creepy feeling but Brad knew that they are expressing their Joy. Brad " Gastly lets be friends from now on. " He gestured Gastly, Gastly with joy licked Brad. Brad felt a huge chunk of Life Force being taken away from him.

Gastly as if got drunk high wobbled while floating and fell unconscious. Gastly has unconsciously absorbed Life Energy from Brad and unable to digest that power it fainted. He slowly went to Hibernation. Brad understood and took him to his Pokeball. Brad then went to Martha and started preparing to meet Elijah the Leader of Majins.

Brad went to the Dungeon of Majins along with Desmond - the association Scout Supervisor US branch, Charles - Dungeon Embassy unit of Awakener Association. Charles " Hello there, it's Charles. " Brad " Hi there, so what is the call of the Dungeon Embassy. " Charles " Dungeon Embassy's main objective is to have a peaceful and benefecial relationship with the Dungeon Beings. As the Majin Race wants, the destroyer of Wipro and Jameson Williams is their benfactor. And they have learned that your family is the victim. So they wanted to be your benefactor and their help must be passed through you. "

Charles enthusiastically explained the situation but Brad could feel the displeasure that Charles is hiding. Brad ' It is really a massive wealth compared the medical development and all those technologies. It is a huge wealth. ' Desmond looked at Charles Coldly as he is on close ties with the Olympus and other top Guilds.