Brad's Powerful Punch

While Brad was walking towards searching for a Pub, a fat person in a Weird looking outfit followed Brad. Brad found the guy following him and also sensed that there are multiple guys following him. Brad looked and immediately found out that they are the Franky Family. Brad ' Franky is currently a asshole Bounty Hunter and a Salvager of the Broken Ships. '

Brad walked to the No man alleyway and spoke " Come on it is tiring for you guys to follow me. " Soon twenty some guys appeared with their leader named Zambai. Zambai " Handover all the riches that you posses and you may leave. " Brad " I don't have that much money on me, why do you want to rob me a nobody.

Zambai " No, you came here out of no where, we have eyes on all the entrances of the Water 7 and you have not come in any of the route or ship. And what is even more fishy is you took a 10,000 Berry for a Simple Fried Rice which means it is so small amount for you. " Brad is secretly amazed, " So you guys are like a secret Security officers of the Water 7, something like that huh!!!? "

Zambai " Enough talk, tell us how you came to Island and hand over the money if you don't want to get hurt. " Brad felt ammused and laughed. Brad Teleported near Zambai and took him to the Air around 500 m high above the Island. Zambai " Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Please don't drop me off!!!! " Brad " Ohhh how about letting me go. "

Zambai " Sorry, we would not ask you anything. Please let us go!!! " Zambai knew that they have kicked a Steel plate and if not handled properly then his Big Brother Franky and their entire Franky Family will be in danger. He can tolerate his death but the consequences that comes after is not something Zambai wants to see.

Brad " Fine, I will let you go. " With that he let Zambai go while floating in the Air. Zambai immediately had a free fall screaming, Zambai " Ahhhhh!!!!!!!! " He had inner thought ' Big Brother, today seems to be the Last day of my life. I have no regrets being with you. ' Brad with a Sonic boom dashed to Zambai and used his Psychic Shield of several thin layers to slow down his free fall and used Psychic to let him float.

All the members of the Franky Family were really afraid that their Brother Zambai will die for sure. Brad " Next time choose your targets wisely and don't make such reckless mistakes ever again. " Brad walked away without doing anything. This entire ordeal has been seen by one of the Galley La member with a Long rectangular Nose named Kaku.

Kakku who is also a secret spy CP9 informed these news to Blueno and Lucci who are fellow CP 9 secret spy. Brad is not interested on the Island anymore but suddenly the alarm ran through out the Water 7, forecasting the Aqua Laguna. Brad then remembered the amazing scene of Luffy and Zoro piercing a. Hole in Aqua Laguna.

The Water receded from the Water 7 lower part of the city, All the members of the Franky Family and the other members of the City already gone above to a safe distance. Brad knew full well that his Presence would be reported to World Government by CP 9. He when bringing Pokemons to the world he would become the Center of the Attraction. So he must show power similar to that of a Emperor, which they dare not provoke easily.

As Brad was in his thought process, he saw that Aqua Laguna is comming, Brad was ready to face the force of Nature with his Strongest Attack. He unleashed his Eight Inner Gates power releasing Shockwaves emitting from him.

The Mayor of Water 7 Iceberg and his secretary along with his Disciple Paulie and his workers Lucci and many others are watching the reckless man standing before the Aqualaguna were huge amount of power is releasing from him. Brad who have finished got into his ideal position and powered up.

Brad " Focus Punch!!!! " He released a highly powered punch Creating a Piercing Shockwave tearing the Land that has been visible, The Strike penetrated the incoming Aqua Laguna and further reducing the impact force of the surrounding waves. A straight line that surpassed a distance of around 10 - 15 kms. It destroyed anything on the path. The Aqua Laguna's force reduced to a considerable degree and slowly the Waves returned to the Shore to fill up.

Brad with his super eyesight saw the Shock and fear in the eyes of Iceberg, Lucci, Kaku, Khalifa and the other residents. Brad seeing that immediately disappeared and reappeared right before Iceberg. Iceberg, Paulie and the others fell down on their butts due to the surprise sudden appearance of Brad right before them. Lucci had a serious look on his face.

Brad " You must be the mayor of the City right!? " Iceberg came out of his shock and replied " yes!!! " Brad " Then it's very good, you must knew top brass of the World Government right. So kindly inform them in their stead, even my Picture to them so they could ensure that they don't put Bounty on me and Turn me to a Pirate. I plan on being a Bounty Hunter. And I don't want a corrupt marine wanted to have revenge on me turning against the Whole world like that cutting my source of Funds. By the way name is Brad. Bye!!!! "

With that he dashed off in Extreme Speed towards the Sabaody Archipelago. Iceberg had cold sweat and immediately ordered his secretary Khalifa. Iceberg " Khalifa, is his Picture taken by someone!? If by chance anyone taken it. Ask them to handover a Copy and send it to Navy Headquarters a Fax. Meanwhile establish a Contact with Fleet Admiral Sengoku so that I could convey this message. " Khalifa turned back to her professional self said " Yes sir. "

Meanwhile Lucci also had to report to Spandam his boss. He also knew that his Boss Spandam and many dregs in Marine are capable of doing What Brad has spoken, which is Ok for most cases but One with that much amount of Power It is not good. At the same time Brad have planned this out as Shakky will learn about him and arouse curiosity to both her and Rayleigh.

Brad " After learning Haki, I have decided to have a another Persona Play a role in this World which f**** Marine. As he smiled his Dark Plate within him showed a Dark Brilliance consuming all Light.