Brad's Conditions

Brad " Actually I am about to meet the Navy HQ group, most probably to be a member of Warlord or something is the most probable one. " Rayleigh " It is your own freedom and I am not going to interfere or demand anything about your choices. " Brad " Thank you, actually I have a special Powers but What I really lack is Control, by learning Haki. I can chanel those powers to control. "

Rayleigh looked at Brad deeply, as a man who knew the secrets of the World. He knew many things but not a being like Brad. And he knew that Brad is not a Devil Fruit User, as there is no such versatile Devil Fruit User with Super Speed, Flight, Strength. And what is even more is there is no special traits of other Rare Tribes identity on him. Brad " Anyway, I would meet the Marines and come to meet you, Mr Rayleigh and also I will clear your doubts one by one. "

Brad then left the Shakky's Rip Off Bar, Shakky " Rayleigh, do you think he can be trusted. " Rayleigh " I have to see for myself. And he has the possibility of Killing me. Despite not being profecient in Haki. " Brad knew full well, that at present only the Five Elders and the King of the World Im has the Power to defeat him as their full extent of their power is unknown.

Brad had a beautiful idea that he wanted to create in the world of One Piece. One in the Light and the Dark. Brad went to Maynard in Grove 66. By the time he reached he heard a energetic Laughter entering the Base. There is a Old Fit Grandpa eating Senbei and there is a Tall Man with a Yellow Coolers and a Yellow Striped Suit. They both have a Cloak of Justice.

They are none other than Vice Admiral Garp and Marine Admiral Kizaru. Actually Kizaru was leading to meet Brad. They both arrived at the same time as Co-incidence. Garp " So you are the Brat named Brad. Why dont you join Navy!!!! " Brad looked at Garp with a speechless expression. Brad " Sorry Sir, I will have to refuse. I don't want to be constrained when I am taking action. "

Kizaru despite having a wretched face he is evaluating Brad by observing him. With his Haki and experience of Being a Veteran, he can see that Brad is like a beast full of Power ready to erupt anytime. If Kizaru could see it, then so could Garp see it. Garp " It's a pity. Anyway I am here just to have fun. You can talk with this Brat here. " Kizaru shook his head.

Kizaru " Hi there Mr. Brad, it seems you are a scary person. " Brad " Hi there Admiral Kizaru, I have a doubt that needs to be clarified. " Kizaru was confused about Brad's abrupt doubt, he looked at Brad. Brad " Is it true that you are the Admiral that gives crazy Blood Pressure to Admiral Sengoku!? " When Garp heard it he laughed " Mwhahahahaha!!!! " As he started clutching his Stomach.

Kizaru immediately shook his head " No no, it must be a rumour. I am a Admiral who does his Duty with a sense of duty. " Kizaru will never accept this as a truth. Brad " Ohhh, then it must be a rumour that you are usually Lazy and wants to avoid the Troublesome Jobs and act like you are really trying Hard. " Garp could not control his Laughter. Kizaru looked at Maynard. Maynard shook his head immediately as he did not speak anything about it.

Brad " Ok Admiral, I knew that you two are Busy. And I also don't want to waste time. Let us discuss what is that the Marine HQ wants from me. " Brad was straight to the point. As his Second mission is depending upon the Marine Situation and the acknowledgment of the Kingdoms of this world.

Kizaru seeing that he is straightforward, he also starts to speak. Kizaru " We wanted you to invite as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. " Brad got surprised for a second and then he turned back to normal. Brad " But, I think there are already seven Warlords present in the World Government right!? " Kizaru expecting the question.

Kizaru " It is not much, you can challenge any of the existing Warlords to have your position as a New Warlord. " Brad became silent and thinks about the pros and cons of being a Warlord. Brad " Fine, But I do have the conditions that I wanted the World Government to fulfill. If it is agreed, I would do the same. If not I just be continue to be a Bounty Hunter. "

Kizaru looked at him with interest so does Garp. As they were even prepared the Outright rejection as it is absurd for him to challenge another Warlord without any reason. Kizaru nodded and Brad continued " 1. I will not fight Whitebeard Pirates under any condition. You can have me face any of the emperors forces or even other Emperors themselves if there is really a strategic Value that will not throw me under but not Whitebeard. "

Kizaru got really surprised and shocked as it is really some kind of absurd condition. Garp " But Why!? " Garp is curious about it. Brad " Let me finish, so that I could answer all your doubts one by one. " Garp stayed silent but still answered. Brad " 2. I would want to find a Kingdom of my own. So I need the Marines to give me a good location of a People with Least Protection in the New World and a Non affiliated country were Crime rate is High. "

Garp and Kizaru were truly shocked by the conditions of Brad one after another. Brad " 3. I have promised to help a Certain Pirate Group named Straw Hat Pirates only once. So if the Marines are too face Straw Hats and they have seeked my Help, I would help them unconditionally that one time. So I want Pardon for that Crime that I will commit. That's all. "