Initial Prototype of Kingdom.

Doflamingo a member of Seven Warlords got the news from Diamante that the Man named Brad appeared and killed the Lumar Island incharge Mark Dente. Doflamingo has nerves bulging on his forehead. Doflamingo " How dare he!? " At the time another Phone Worm rang which is only used rarely by Doflamingo.

Doflamingo attended the Call, on the other side " Doffy, It's me. " Doflamingo " What's the matter that you have contacted me. " At the other side there is a man with a Cool Sunshades and have a Spoon sticking to his Cheek and also have a Bamboo at his Back. He is the undercover of Donquixote Family Vergo. Vergo " Doffy, if you hear about Silver Slayer Brad acquiring the Lumar Islands, Don't take actions. It is a trap. "

Doflamingo got confused and asked " What exactly happened!!? " Vergo then said " The Silver Slayer is so strong that he defeated Vice Admiral Garp easily. He is expected to be even stronger than the Four Emperors. " Doflamingo who was angry just a moment ago was suddenly have a chill in his back. Vergo " He gave a condition that he wanted to marry Fishman Island princess, so he will not fight Whitebeard Pirates regardless of any situation. He needs a Land for founding of his Own Kingdom that he can acquire himself. And he will save the Straw Hat Pirates from any danger even if it is the World Government only once. So Marshal Sengoku planned to cut off the Black Market Supply and wanted to guage Brad's tolerance and ruthlessness by creating a Enemy, in that case it is you. "

Doflamingo became so Mad. He gritted his Teeth, Doflamingo " I want all the info that you could find on Silver Slayer Brad. Use any means necessary. As for Lumar Islands, let's forget it. " Doflamingo gave up the Lumar Islands without hesitation. Brad on the other hand was really super busy, he used Invisible and created Multiple Shadow Clones and started the Clean up of Trash that have been Present.

He even found a Beast women, she is Claire who is born out of a Wedlock between a Male Mink Tribe and a Female Human. She posses a rare physique which posses the fighting and beastial instinct of Mink along with Sulong form, at the same time she posses the Human being's potential to quickly grow in battle.

Mark Dente who is a Bull Dog Fruit User found her and killed her family and captured her. He raped her and used her as he has a deep alure to her. Brad did not knew how to give her the reason to live. Clarie was freed, he was taken to the Pocket Dimension of Pokemons.

Her Eyes which lost hope got a surprised feeling. Brad " See here Clarie, We cannot change the Past, but the very least we can make sure that on your watch you could train yourself to prevent such things from happening. " Brad while speaking, he also given Psychic suggestions along with it. So eventually she trained herself to become a Hunter.

He also let her join Cid, as Clarie looked more or less like Delta. And Brad's favourite is also Delta who is so childish at the same time brutal with Wild Nature. Brad wanted her to be in Cid's team, As what is even more amazing is she can turn Sulong in full moon. As he had let her be with Cid Who is training with Rayleigh.

Brad had after found a assistant named Patrick in a Village to re organise the Lumar Islands. As he was doing it, there were Cipher Pol agents silently entered as Undercover in the Kingdoms. Brad allowed them to do so, as he could give a small and steady Brainwashing changing their loyalty to Brad replacing the Celestial Dragons.

And what more is the Cipher Pol are the best people for many fields. As he would have no shortage of Talented Man Power for different Fields. Omar is a skilled Blacksmith and Weapon Craftsmen who is from CP5, Alice is a excellent Management Personal from CP3, Grey is a person who is a skilled Carpenter and Shipmaker from CP6. And there were really good doctor named Chris who was originally a grandson of Doctor in Drum Island.

And there are many Children and Slaves that were captured were granted the freedom, Brad is not that good hearted to send them back to their homes even if they wanted. He revoked their status as Slaves and granted the Merit Exchange system to become Citizen for his New Kingdom. He left the world to Patrick and Alice.

Brad " Patrick, Alice here remember, I wanted the Kingdom to be Established within a month, if you lack funds, inform me and take this initial amount of one billion berry. A citizen can exchange Citizenship of our Kingdom for 100 Merit Points, Were one Merit Point is equivalent to 10000 Berries, and the Berries can be exchanged for Merit Points only upto 100 further more can be only accumulated through Tasks and Works. Crime will reduce Merits, as for serious crimes regardless of Merits they would be executed without mercy. Where 1000 merits can be exchanged for a Noble Title and 10000 merits can be exchanged for Heriditory Title. As for important treasures like Devil Fruits, Special Grade Knives will be exchanged for Merits. So with this as a Prototype create a Administrative System and Constitution Laws. I would review it, here in our Kingdom as long as one works hard they can be a Noble with Luxuries regardless of Birth. "

As these issues were spoken Patrick " Yes my Lord. " They would have to work really hard and soon form a Preliminary Constitution. Brad decided to form a Constitutional Monarchy. With him having the absolute Power. Brad then went to have Spar with Garp, he is busy integrating Sun Breathing Fist with Garp's Martial Arts. He is rapidly improving and the Control of his Own Strength was even better than he was before Body Forging.

Meanwhile Cid(Brad's Clone) had integrated the Roger's Swordsmanship which is basic Swordsmanship to the extreme with the Dark Dragon Breathing Method, which works really well with Shadow Personna, Brad with all the issues going on he almost forgot to use the refreshed Monthly Draw. So he started his Draw and got a Surprise.

1. Moon Stone Vein

2. Larvitar x50

3. Ghost Space (10000 sq km)

4.Sableye x 25

5. Absol x 50

6. Spiritomb x 20

7. Deino x 50

8. Yveltal Feathers (Devours Life and Strengthen the Host)

9. Meteorite Fragment (Deoxys Shell - enhances Psychic and Space Travel)

10. Dark Stone Vein