Genesis Kingdom, Shadow Pirates

The Pillar of Light that is shown have a unfathomable pressure like a Natural Disaster that cannot be defeated by Human Power. As the Pillar of Light faded after 5 mins there is a Deep Black Void present in the affected area. That area created a Void in the atmosphere and in turn created a Lightning Storm due to Magnetic Interference.

Cid who is present in the Sky looked like a Death God, Cid was enveloped by a Darkness Coat and then he disappeared from that Area. The Scout Ship recorded the fight and even took a Picture and sent it to the Navy Admiral Aokiji and Marineford HQ.

Meanwhile the news of the defeat of Perespero and Oven reached the Big Mom Pirates in the Whole Cake Island. Big Mom was so furious, Perespero at the end of the Phone line was shivering in fear, but one cannot tell whether he is in fear due to Big Mom's anger or Cid's Atomic Blast.

Big Mom " So the one who attacked my Crew is a person known as Shadow!!!! Issue a Bounty to his Head. Anyone who can give his information will be given 100 million Berries. " She may be Angry but she is one of the ruthless and Rational Person who could command the Emperor Pirate Group.

At Marineford, Fleet Admiral office Sengoku slammed his Table with Anger. At the time like this such a terrifying enemy appeared, the attack is clearly looks like attack of an Ancient Weapon that attacked Enies Lobby. Sengoku " Who can tell that, from where this guy Shadow appeared!!? "

The group of Vice Admirals and Admiral Akainu is present. Akainu " I have a thought, could it be that this Shadow and Silver Slayer is related? " Sengoku frowned. He needs to confirm it, he directly contacted Brad about this. Brad attended the Call from Lumar Islands.

Brad " What a surprise!? The man who stands at the top of Justice contacts me after postponing my Warlord appointment and even found a new Candidate. " Sengoku feels frustrated as he had no choice. Sengoku " My hands are tied in that matter yet we are still in a partnership and Marines are actively fulfilling your Condition. "

Brad " Anyway leave the bitter things away, Tell me what do you want from me!? " As he had guessed Sengoku's intention when he received the Call. Sengoku " A person claiming his Name as Shadow, attacked Navy and Big Mom Pirates in New World. He shows overwhelming strength and immense Destructive Power. Do you knew that person!? "

Brad's line stayed silent without any reply for a minute. Sengoku had a Bad premonition. Brad " His name is Cid, he is my predecessor who is excellent in all types of Weapons and Magic. He is a walking Natural Disaster. He is my enemy that I should defeat. My superpowers won't work on him as he has immunity towards my Power. He is the reason I am learning from Vice Admiral Garp. As only My Physical Attack and Haki can affect him. Yet he is strong in Physical Attack also. Only advice, I can give you is run away if any of you face him. ''

This sentence brought fear to the people present in the Office. They have all witnessed Brad's power and strength. Yet such a person is the enemy of the Marines. Brad " And if any of you spot him, inform me and I will be there to face him. As for yourself seeking death or the World Government behind you giving the order to seek Death is another Matter entirely. "

Sengoku " Thank you for the information. And I will inform you as soon as we spotted him. " Brad " Welcome, Mr. Fleet Admiral I have a suggestion. Why don't you give a Bounty and place a title as an upcoming Emperor!? As this would turn the attention of the Four Emperors towards Cid. Use him to destroy the Pirates. Meanwhile I will get stronger myself and will be ready to face him. "

Sengoku's eyes lit up. Brad gave this suggestion because he wanted to create his identity to capture Wano and Whole Cake Island using Shadow Personna, He will then join Hands with his Own Clone and start his Mission against the World Government. But it will be for the later, soon the Bounty Poster for Shadow was released.

The Bounty is a Straight 3.5 billion Berry and he is proclaimed as the Fifth Emperor of the Sea. The Wave straight away unlocked the Rewards for Shadow Pirates from the Mission. And as the Mission is super Completed it straight away released the Reward. Now all he need is to form a crew and he already has a mind on it.

A Month has passed soon and Straw Hat Pirates have reached the Red Line. Meanwhile in The Lumar Island, the New Kingdom is being found today which welcomed Vice Admiral Garp representing the Navy and the World Government. The Island has changed like never before. The streets are filled with happy laughter and in festive Mood.

The Flag is designed to be like Arceus Hoop as it's symbol which is hoisted at the Center Palace which is built. Multiple Talents were attracted to the Kingdom. World Government had given their Best Man Power resources to this Kingdom in a form of Spy. Brad had already planted a Parasitic Psychic suggestion in their Brain for being Loyal to him.

This suggestion is slow and Steady which will integrate when Brad shows sincerity and make them question how the World Government and Celestial Dragons use them. Patrick and Alice along with Omar and Grey the Town Planning all done in an orderly manner. Even most of the residents around 100,000 people have become citizens in a month which means 100,000 people has payed 1,000,000 berry which have increased the Wealth of the Nation and increased the scale of the Kingdom.

Citizenship Certificate along with Details are enclosed in a Registry similar to Green Card. It was about time that he gets the Ultimate Reward and introduce Pokemon to this World. The day there was a Empty Plot at the Center of the Kingdom. Brad came to the Center of the Empty Plot and with his Mana he spoke that everyone can hear. Brad " I thank each and every Citizen for helping in founding the Kingdom and as for the Ones who are yet to become the Citizen, no need to worry and keep working hard and your Hard work will be rewarded.

As of today the Genesis Kingdom is established. " As he said that his Mission Reward is released.