Mew's Goodbye, Straw Hats dispersed

Luffy and the other straw Hats are dumbfounded, Mew defeated a Admiral in a matter of Minutes, Sentamaru who claims to be the Safest person is quaking in shock that his Uncle who is strongest is defeated just like that. Luffy " Mew you are this strong!!! " Luffy now feels ridiculous that he had invited Brad to be his Crew. Within a few seconds, the trick room and Psychic Terrain that enveloped the Sabaody Archipelago was cracked which were A Powerful Conquerors Haki broke and dispersed it.

Mew in joy shouted " Mew..Mew...Mew!!!!!! " Chopper " Mew says Brad Brad, did you see how Awesome I am!!!! " Nami " Huh!!! " As the Land became Normal, the Sky again becoming Clear. They saw Brad floating above. One Pirate shouted " Damn!!! It is the Silver Slayer!!!!! "

Brad landed to the ground, " Long time no see Luffy!! " He smiled, Luffy " Brad, thank you!!! " Brad " No mention, but as the conditions here are not good, we may talk next time. And Luffy it would be some time before you and I meet again. " Luffy did not understand, At the time Mew shouted " Mew..Mew.... " Chopper " Mew says ' Everyone, I really loved being with you all and has lot of fun, but it is goodbye for now. We will meet next time. ' " as Mew said that he returned to Brad.

Brad " And sorry Luffy " with he said, he moved towards Kizaru. Luffy did not understand again, Why Brad apologized, but when he heard Ussopp screams " Zoro!!!!!! " He saw Bartholomew Kuma made Zoro disappear. And one by one the crew got disappeared, Luffy " No!!!! My Friends!!! " Now he understood, that Brad will not stop Kuma from killing his Crew and he has to save them himself.

Mew when wanted to take Action, Brad stopped him and said " They are not dead, they are behing sent far away for their own Safety!! " As final Luffy who lost all hope looked at Mew and Brad one last time where Mew felt anxious and wanted to help but Brad looked at him in a Plain manner. Kuma's paws touched Luffy and Luffy disappeared.

Brad looked at the beaten down Kizaru, Kizaru who is barely conscious saw Mew and he is lying on Brad's shoulder. Brad used Life Dew and Heal Pulse on Kizaru which completely Healed Kizaru as if he did not battle at all. Kizaru looked at Brad warily. Brad " With that I would not help Straw Hat Pirates ever again to escape from Navy. "

Kizaru " Is that little Monster is yours!!? " Brad looked at Kizaru Coldly where Mew did not bother about Kizaru's words. Brad " His Name is Mew and my Partner. " Mew felt that he is sorry and suddenly got a idea. It plucked one of its eye lash and gave it to Kizaru. Kizaru bewildered, Brad looked curiously at Mew for such a action. Mew has defenitly watched the Pokemon Movie: Mewtwo strikes.

Mew " Mew...Mew... " Mew said that he wanted to see that whether Vegapunk could create Mewtwo.. " Brad knew how much hidden danger this move could be yet for some reason he is thrilled, As he did not have a equal in this World, Brad looked at Kizaru and said " Mew said that he heard that there is a genius named Vegapunk in Navy. He asks that with his Eyelash DNA, could Vegapunk create Brothers like this Pacifista who is brothers to Kuma. "

Kizaru got stunned so as nearby Sentamaru, Brad " Handover it to Vegapunk, take this as compensation for Beating you. And if Vegapunk is interested and if your Navy and World Government has Guts to take me and Mew to Vegapunk. Then we would like to meet him at the same time willing to Co operate a little for his Research. "

With that said, Brad flew off. He did not use Teleport or Spatial Shift Movement since they should not link with his Identity with Shadow who can move through Shadows but essentially using Spatial Movement covered by Shadows. Kizaru got the Eyelashes and stored it seperately. As he need to report it to World Government and Sengoku about Brad's deal.

At the same time, Cid aka Shadow wanted to catch two people to be his Subordinates in the worst Generation. One is relatively very easy to make him a subordinate and were other is really a difficult one. He came to Archipelago at Bay 39 were a Certain Pirate who ate Straw Straw Fruit and deals with Woodoo dolls is present.

He has a Deck of Cards attached to Straws projected from his Body. He looked at the Card and said " A Incredible opportunity appears for me. Chance of Victory 0, Chance of death 50, Chance of Escape 0.... " as he is divining the fate. Multiple Shadow hands appeared near him and all the Hawkins Pirates were caught by the Black Hand like who got struck due to Shadow Possesion Jutsu.

Hawkins got alert, he saw a person appearing out of Shadow. With the Shadow Cloak and an enigmatic appearance, he appeared. Shadow " Basil Hawkins, you have two choices, 1. you and your pirate crew become my subordinates and become a member of Shadow Pirates. 2. You all die right here and right now. " As he said released a Characteristic trait Pressure mixed with Conquerors Haki. It gave out all the Pirates who were caught into a nightmare.

Hawkins were sweating continuously and unable to think of escaping, he now knew that he has no chance of Survival in a fight. Hawkins " I accept, I would disband Hawkins Pirates and join the Shadow Pirates. " Shadow removed the Pressure and smiled amiably.

Shadow " So one down and we are going for the Next one. " As he saw on a direction where a group of Pirates were moving in a Submarine to escape the Navy Encirclement. Shadow formed a Dark Sphere envelop Hawkins and the others along with the Ship. The Ship disappeared in an instant and appeared in some distance from the Sea.

Hawkins and his Crew members were all shocked with the ability displayed. Shadow released Gengar who is pitch Black. Sudden appearance of a Ghostly creature brought chill to the Hawkins and the others which is literally as the presence of Gengar will unconsciously suck their life force. Shadow " Gengar!! Use Imprison and bring the Submarine above the Surface. "

As the Submarine did not went too deep in the sea, it was relatively easy for Gengar to imprison the Submarine. The Submarine which was moving suddenly got struck in place.