Whitebeard Vs Blackbeard.

As Everyone went to the Pocket Dimension full of Life and Pokemon. They are all surprised, even breathing the Mana Air, removes their Fatigue. Brad looked at Luffy and asked " Luffy are you mad at me for not saving you at Archipelago!? " Luffy who was in awe of the Place suddenly shook his head and said '' No, I knew that you must have sent me away to save us. Thank You for all the Help. "

Brad then looked at Whitebeard and said '' Sorry for the late introduction, I am Brad. " Whitebeard " Gurarara!!!! No need for sorry. And I am grateful for saving my family. " Whitebeard knew that this war would have cost many of his Sons lives and the worst case today would be the complete demise of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Brad " Actually, I have brought you here to say something important. Actually I am not a person born in this World. " Luffy had no clue of what he is speaking. But Whitebeard, Ace, Jinbei, Crocodile, Buggy and the other member of Pirates all looked shocked.

Marco " ohh my.....!!! " Crocodile " That explains his power, the strange creatures and his unusual strength. " Brad " I have a purpose in coming to your World. That is to spread the magical Creatures that you saw known as Pokemons to this world. They would form their own Ecosystem. And I have wanted to form own forces to go to different worlds. "

All of them listened Intently,Brad " There are countless worlds out there with power levels of only normal humans to the Worlds that posses beings where just their spite is enough to obliterate even the current me from existence. " Whitebeard and all the others were shocked by the statement, they have the first hand experience of Brad's strength. Now when they heard there are beings who could erase Brad just with their Thoughts.

Brad " Edward Newgate, if I have not intervened, without a doubt you and Fire Fist Ace would have died in this War. And the greatest benefeciary is Blackbeard Marshall. D Teach. " When the name is mentioned Whitebeard had uncontrollable Rage. Brad with his Spatial Sense immediately found the escaping Blackbeard.

Whitebeard is still in peak form of his Age. But it is still not enough, Brad did the same to Whitebeard as he did to Garp, All the previous Wounds and internal injuries all disappeared. Brad " Now, I really wonder whether Blackbeard will be able to defeat you. But remember one thing Whitebeard, if you show Hesitation since he is formerly your family, I would give up on the opportunity that I wanted to give to Whitebeard Pirates. "

Whitebeard had a solemn look, Whitebeard knew himself there is really a chance that he may hesitate when he gives finishing blow to Blackbeard, so he hardened his heart. Brad opened the Portal and appeared at the Marine Battleship. Blackbeard seeing Brad was shocked.

Before he could open his mouth, Brad interrupted " Do you knew, when I faced you. I had the feeling of ' I am the strongest in this world. ' Yet when you said you will need 6 months to face me. I was excited but later I knew what made you confident that you could become strong. So I am here to give the chance to obtain the strength. " Blackbeard has worst thought comming to his mind.

The Portal opened beside Brad, there Whitebeard appeared with his Golden Hair and White Crescent Beard and Murakumogiri weapon in his Hand. Blackbeard " Pops!!!! " Whitebeard " Among all the people who has got in my crew, you are the only one I refuse to acknowledge as my Son. " Dragonite was released by Brad and Dragonite released Ice beam to the Sea. The Sea Surface got frozen. Dragonite has the same strength as Aokiji, despite the Ice beam is weaker than Ice Age. It is enough to form a platform.

Whitebeard without any hesitation raised his Murakumogiri, The White Vibration hollow appeared in the Blade. Whitebeard slashed towards Blackbeard and his Crew. Blackbeard took his Claw Weapon coated with Darkness, he nullified the Incoming Vibrations. Brad got surprised as he did not remember Teach is strong enough to face Peak Whitebeard at this timeline.

Blackbeard " Black Curtain!!!!! " A Darkness enveloped the Ship, the floor is full of Darkness, Whitebeard felt his Foot shrinking. Meanwhile the Blackbeard Pirates all stood at place not trying anything funny, as Brad is watching intently at the fight and they have Personally saw the Five Elders defeated by him.

Whitebeard entangled his Body with Conquerors Haki. Whitebeard gave a fierce Vibrating Slash towards Blackbeard, Blackbeard stopped the Attack again with the enveloped Darkness. Blackbeard " Hey Pops!! your era is long over. It is about time you leave the seas to me. Zehahahahaa!!!!!! "

Blackbeard formed a Giant Dark Bomb compressed above him, he threw the condensed Bomb towards Whitebeard, the Attack is so powerful that even sent back Whitebeard a Few Steps to the edge of the Ship's Front. Brad is really interested. Whitebeard raised his Murakumogiri and gave a normal Slash towards Blackbeard.

Blackbeard used his Claws to stop the Incoming attack and both the weapons collided, The clash directly split the Heavens itself. Vasco Shots a 6th Floor Criminal who is now a member of Blackbeard Pirates " It seems Teach is really far stronger than us. He is competing with the Whitebeard who is in peak form. "

Van Auger " It is not that he was strong before, but after the Fight with Silver Slayer Brad, he saw the pure Physical power that Brad faced him, he decided to train on his Haki and Physical Strength. " Brad who has enhanced hearing understood. Brad " So it all makes sense, Blackbeard having weak Haki skills relative to Shanks is he wasted his time waiting for Dark Dark Fruit. The Immense Potential Blackbeard has is really huge. "

Whitebeard did not have any advantage despite being young which shocked him " Teach!!! You have been hiding this much strength all this time. " Blackbeard " Pops!!! As I said, this era is no longer yours!!!!! " As the Clash continued. The Fight took place without any break.

The Whitebeard Pirates, Luffy, Crocodile, Jinbei and the others were watching the battle with serious face. Brad has spoken, this is a Chance for Whitebeard, if Whitebeard really looses, he would not help Whitebeard at all. Back to the Battle, Whitebeard started tilted the Sea with his Powers. Blackbeard lost the Balance for a Second and slipped " Ahhh!!!! "

Whitebeard used the Chance and gave a Tremor Punch where Blackbeard's body image cracked as if Glass Shattering, Blackbeard vomitted blood. Blackbeard who has two times the Pain Receptors had unimaginable Pain. Blackbeard on this Instant, coated the Claws with Dark Fruit and Haki pierced the Abdomen of the Whitebeard, where there is a Huge Scar Present.