Brad Brings Family

Elijah in Majin Dungeon World " Brad, I have found the way to remove Devil Fruits without killing the Said Person. But for the Immortals like the Five Elders, removing the Devil Fruit is not possible, yet we could make sure that they are no longer Immortals, or technically speaking they will not die of Natural Death but they can be killed. "

Elijah really out did himself, his research on Genetics progressed tremondously by this. Brad had asked him to remove Devil Fruit Powers, so that he could make the people recover from the after effects of Smile. And so as to collect the Powerful Devil Fruits. Elijah " And one more good news, the weakness of Devil Fruit could be removed as long as the Fruit of Devil Fruit User formed a Mana Core. "

Elijah really outdid himself on it. Brad " Good, with this One Piece World will be in right track. " Elijah then hesitated and said " Brad, if you could help. I want you to obtain a certain power from a Certain World. " Brad got interested about it. Brad " What is it!? " Elijah " Before you go to the World You are saying. I request you to Visit the Science and Technology Library and obtain that Library. "

Brad thought for a while, he had learned that Book and it is a sci Fic Novel. Where the Protagonist gets a Technology Library which has various Scientific Knowledge posses the knowledge to become even a God. but such World's may have a World Will like Otaku Engineers world.

Elijah " You see there is a Bargain, you could just make the Protagonist the First Pokemon trainer and teach him the knowledge that you taught Li Zexuan and the others, then let him Handle the Rest. With that you would have Pokemon ascend one more world and also get a Technological Library. And more I would personally teach him the Technology knowledge that could help him in Multiple regards. All I ask is once you open the Technology tree, you would posses the significant advantage in both the Real World and the next World you are going to visit. "

Brad nodded, he then picked the Elders and went back to One Piece World, he brought back his Family this time to Fishman Island. He brings them via a Ship, in the Ship, Martha aka Mirielle, Clark, Brad's Grandparents, Garth, Marie, and Sarah. Everyone were moving towards the Fishman Island in a Coated Ship.

Garth " we should take a sappling of Mangrove to Atlantis, with enough Wood type Mana, we could use it to Have it grow over Atlantis. " Marie just nodded, as they were only having artificial Sunlight. Brad did not have much thought.

Brad took Garth aside and asked " Hey Garth, what happened to the Hunt of Mathew!? " Brad had bloodlust when he mentioned that name. Garth had also felt anger at Mathew, he said " I have been tracking him all over the world, without leaving any Blindspots yet I could not even find a trace of him. But with the collected Mana Signature of his Mana.

I found his Last seen presence is a Dungeon Portal of a Mythic Rank. It is the ' World Serpent Kingdom Dungeon '. That Dungeon and its surroundings are not managed by any guild or Nation which is present in the Costal regions of Norway. " Brad for sure knew that Bastard would have escaped to the Mythical Dungeon.

The Mythical Dungeon is full of Dangers at the same time it is full of opportunities. Brad " He is a cold blooded at the same time an intelligent person. He will not die in that dungeon. " Garth " Yes!! But entering that dungeon right now with not suitable Affinity or Talent is sucide. " Mathew went to the dungeon only because he has the talent related to Snake.

Brad also knew that, he desire for revenge. But that doesn't change the fact that Entering a Mythical Dungeon is point beyond recklessness. As even the 10 Heavenly Kings dare not enter that Dungeon. Brad " This changes everything, as he entered that Dungeon. He has a entire Mythic Dungeon as his Base, potential Force that could be controlled by him. "

Garth " That is not the main concern, Once he evolves his Talent there..... " Brad did not need Garth to continue. As long as he obtained the Poison Plate from Arceus, he would not hesitate to enter the Dungeon. As they were discussing. Sarah shouted " Brother!!!!! Garth!!!! A Giant Fishman and a Ghost Ship!!!!! "

Brad seeing the Ghost Ship smiled, Brad " Sarah, you are really my lucky star!!! Hahahaha!!!! " She does not knew much about Fishman Island Arc in One Piece as she just barely saw One Piece when Brad watches. Brad " Lugia!!!! Aqua Jet!!!! " Lugia who is outside the Ship protecting the Ship.

Without hesitation directly smashed Wadatsumi who is the Giant Fishman. Knocking him down. Brad " Lugia!!! Finish it of with Aeroblast!!!! " With that move it Formed a Wind Blast attack smashing the Ghost ship of Vander Decken to smithereens.

A Fishman in a bubble coat fell to the Sea Bed from the Ship Debris. He is none other than Vander Decken. Vander Decken saw that Lugia is attacking. Vander Decken " Damn!!! I should escape fast!!! " He caught a Wooden scrap and used his Mark Mark Fruit on the Plank and was about to escape on the Plank in extreme speed.

Brad transformed to Mega Evolved State and instant moved towards the Plank with Extreme Speed. Vander Decken who is moving towards the Ryugu Palace with his Powers looked at the Side. Only to see Brad is moving along with him at his Side. Brad " Hello, nice meeting you, I am Brad. Shirahoshi's Fiance. " Vander Decken screamed " Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! "

Brad caught Vander Decken and destroyed the Moving Wooden Plank. Ditto within Brad's clothing turned to Sword. Brad immediately swung his Sword and cuts off Vander Decken's both the Hands. Vander Decken " Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!! " He screamed in pain. He then teleported back to the Ship.

Martha asked " Brad, who is he!? " Brad " He is the reason Shirahoshi is sealed in Steel Door Prison. As he marked her with his Devil Fruit. He sent Love Letters when she was a small Kid. Then he sent Axes to threaten her as once a person is marked. It is like a guidance system which always hit the Marked Person. " Martha's eyes turned cold, she couldn't help but remember Mathew who ruined her daughter's life for similar reason.

Martha " Cut of his Four Legs! " Brad without hesitation used his Sword to cut down his Four Legs, Vander Decken " Wait wait... Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! " Brad then used Heal Pulse and healed his wound so that he would not die.