Back to Naruto World.

Brad after a few Months the Genesis Kingdom Settled, Brad's Family left the World, Garth met with Vega Punk and exchanged various Ideas. He then did not actively interact with the World Powers as it is all left to Dragon and the Others. Brad had his time only with Shirahoshi.

He is truly blessed with the Mermaid Princess. After the Pokemon Tower got connected, The Two Worlds got connected with Brad's Dimensional World as Passageway. So there is no need for Brad to act as Transport Tool for People. Li Meilin met innocent Shirahoshi, she immediately formed a deep Bond with her.

Li Yichen met others. Sanji seeing Li Meilin and Shirahoshi can't help but feel Jealous at Brad that eyes are bleeding blood Tears. Li Yichen immediately became favourite for all the Members of One Piece World. Jinbei often took him out. Brad did not give Jinbei any Pokemon yet, as he is yet to join or may not join Straw Hat Pirates.

As he has to finish the Unfinished Business in Naruto World, Brad immediately went to Naruto World and landed exactly in Shigeru Village Pokemon Center. As soon as he appeared, There were many Pokemons such as Beedrills, Poliwhirl all appeared. But when they saw Brad they all showed joyous expressions. At the time a Young and familiar silhouette appeared. As soon as the person appeared, she hugged Brad.

Brad " Tomi!! You have grown up!! Huh!!? " Tomi " Big Brother Kawaki!! You are back. It has been a year. " Then Tomi took him to Aoki but Brad wanted to visit the memorial. Tomi got sad but cheered up later, There Kazuki was present as caretaker of the Memorial. Kazuki " hey Kawaki, long time no see!!! " Brad respected Kazuki as he is the first person to teach him how to fight and formed a Bond as a Mercenary. He taught Brad about Survival Skills.

Brad " I am here to Visit the Brothers and say Hi. " Kazuki nodded and Brad took a Cup and poured the Mana Condensed Wine to the Cup. After paying respects, he then left to see Aoki Nakamura. Brad after meeting Aoki gave a Hug. Brad " How is going Aoki san? "

Aoki " Everything is going fine. And what's more is after you gave Pokemons to the Leaf Village Childrens, Raikage who got this intel requested the same. After consulting with Lady Tsunade. I have given the Condition that the Pokemon should be willing and no Abusing of Pokemons. With Lady Katsuyu's presence. Cloud Village's talented 3 Genins took Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Beedril. Which chose to follow them. "

Brad nodded, Aoki " As for recently, the Leaf Village formed a strong Front and protecting the Shigeru Village. Many Ninja spies were captured and their investigation is handled by Mr. Zabuza. Haku on the other hand he is training Medical Ninjutsu from Lady Tsunade. " Brad " Is there any issue of Pokemon being kidnapped or abducted. "

Aoki " Actually, there was a masked person appeared in the Village, But it seems Lady Tsunade anticipated such action. She had placed Lady Katsuyu's Clones everywhere and formed a Sealing Barrier, If there is any Time Space Ninjutsu used, Lady Katsuyu will be alerted. And Mount Myoboku Frogs are also Patrol in these Regions. "

" As such, when that Masked Man appeared, Lord Jiraya was reverse Summoned and he repelled the Mask Man. " Brad " Good!!! It seems that all the loose ends were taken care by Lord Jiraya and Lady Tsunade. Anyway, I am of to move to Leaf Village as soon as Possible. " Aoki " Please don't directly teleport to Hokage Office. Show some basic curtasy and teleport to Entrance. "

Brad nodded, he teleported straight to Entrance of the Hidden Leaf Village enterance, as Brad appeared, the Ninjas who stands guard at the Gate got alerted. But after seeing Brad, they welcomed him. Guard Ninja 1 " Master Kawaki, Welcome Back. " Brad " Thanks, Is Tsunade San is still in Office!? " Guard Ninja 2 " Lady Tsunade is now expected to be in Konoha Hospitals. "

Brad " What about Lord Jiraya, Kakashi, or Guy!? " Guard Ninja 1 " Lord Jiraya is in Mission, So as Kakshi senpai. But Gai Senpai is expected to be training with his Team in Training Ground 8. " Brad " Thanks, then I would go and meet Guy and his Team. " Brad used his Aura Sense, which spread throughout Konoha.

In the Training Ground 8, Blue colour Karate Pokemon Sawk and a Bird Fighting Pokemon Hawlucha, were facing off each other. Meanwhile a Dowblade is practicing Sword Dance attack, And Lucario doing Pushups. Similarly Neji and Lee are facing in a Taijutsu brawl. When the Aura Sense swept the Training Ground.

Lucario sensed the Aura Sense inspecting them. Lucario got into a battle stance. Seeing Lucario got alert, A Green Tights Tai Jutsu Master Might Guy was careful and alert. So as Neji, Lee, Tenten and their Pokemons. Seeing this Brad had a Idea. He formed a Shadow Cloak from his Ditto.

He teleported right before some Distance and released his Hydreigon and Gengar. Brad got on his Hydreigon. Brad " Gengar use Trick Room to envelop the Training Ground. " Guy and the others got alert as Shikamaru's Hypno knew the same technique Trick Room.

Lee " Guy sensei!!! " Guy " Everyone don't move, your speed is disadvantage in this field. " Hydreigon appeared above the Sky, as he is a Dark Type, The trick Room has no effect on Hydreigon. Brad standing above the Hydreigon. Guy did not recognise Brad as the Shadow persona has too much difference.

Brad " Handover Lucario and the other Pokemons. I could let you live. " Tenten " Doublade, Airslash!!!! " A Wind cutting Airslash was thrown towards Hydreigon and Hydreigon countered it with Dragon Breadth. Brad " Since you don't want to live, I would gladly grant your wish. "

A Ditto Sword was formed, Brad disappeared instantly and Slashed towards Tenten. Guy '' Severe Leaf Hurricane!!!!! " Guy kicked the Blade, where his Steel Training Weights prevented from his Leg being cut. Guy felt that his Legs have smashed a Mountain.

Lucario used Aura Sphere on Hydreigon, but before it met Hydreigon, Gengar appeared and used Shadow Ball to Parry the Aura Sphere. Brad " Gengar, use Hypnosis and finish it of with Dream Eater!!!! " Gengar collectively used Hypnosis and made them all sleep and used Dream Eater were all the Pokemons fainted due to massive Level Difference.