Operation Capture Orochimaru

After a while Tsunade gave it as a Emergency Drill measures inspection, To verify Leaf Village's security. Were the Scared Villagers got confused. Brad appologised to Lee, Neji and Tenten. Brad " Sorry you guys. It just I got carried away in the Fight. Next time it won't happen. " Lee and the other two forgave him.

Asuma also forgave him, as after the Clash he was thrown away and fainted from the Shock. Only reason Tsunade and Jiraya able to maintain consciousness is due to the fact both of them Had Sage Mode and the other one activated Yin Seal. Tsunade in Hokage office.

Tsunade " So what you want is Guy to undergo Mana Forging. " Brad " Yes, Only the first time is expected to have result as for the second and third times. The results are not satisfactory or almost negligible. So it is expected that to have the Maximum Pain Tolerance and Mental Will at the first attempt. " Tsunade nodded, as it is always the Good thing for Guy and so on turn it is good thing for Leaf Village.

Guy at the side, who felt the Pain of Gate of Death can get accustomed to the level of Pain. Jiraya " But why is such a need!? " Jiraya wants to knew what Plans did Kawaki has. Despite the fact that Jiraya already has a Vague Idea. Brad " I want to form my own Forces in my World. But I can't seem to trust the people of my World yet. And as you knew I have a mission to spread Pokemon in multiple Worlds. And the next world I am visiting is a peak world of a Singlar Universe. "

Brad " I am going to take the 12 kids and their Teachers that includes you guys to the other World. And my very first mission is to resurrect the Uchiha Clan moderates, Fourth Hokage couple, Yahiko, and the First Hokage Couple, Madara Uchiha, Rin Nohara and Senju Tobirama. "

Jiraya felt shocked, Tsunade " Brad dealing with the Law of Life and death is not a good thing. " If the resurrection happens then her brother Nawaki and Kato Dan also have the chance to appear. She looked at Jiraya, Jiraya knew what she is thinking. He will respect her wishes.

Brad " Sorry, I don't have any idea of resurrecting Kato Dan and Senju Nawaki. " Brad had made his position clear. It is not for Jiraya's sake but entirely different. As he is not running Charity, he must have a use for the person's that he is resurrecting. Tsunade understood Brad's meaning. Despite being sad, she did not bother about it anymore.

Even the reason for Uchiha Moderates, is for the purpose of their Visual Prowess and their Potential, and most importantly to have Sasuke and Itachi in Eternal Gratitude to Brad. As for the Otsutsuki issue, he needs to find Jigen and all the issue will be solved simply, as for whether it is easy or not is another matter.

Brad " So, for the first phase of the resurrection plan, I propose to capture Orochimaru as soon as Possible. With his Edo Tensei, I will have easier way to ressurect others. " Jiraya " What about the Living Sacrifices!? " Brad " For that we have White Zetsu. With him we can make it happen. "

Tsunade " The Last intel, is he is said to be found in Hidden Grass Village. " Brad " That's enough for me to track him. Then as for White Zetsu, it is even easier. " As every one knew that the White Zetsu concentration is highest in the outskirts of Shigeru Village and Shigeru Merchant Headquarters. Pokemons have the unique way of identifying White Zetsu which is purely instinct.

That is also the reason, Obito risked to find a way to Kidnap Pokemons. Brad immediately left with Teleport. Jiraya " I still can't imagine, What would have happened if we have planned to Save Danzo. " He shuddered at the Power Brad wielded and What is even more is his Potential to grow even stronger.

Tsunade nodded, she looked at Guy and said " Guy I want you to grind yourselves with Training. As for the intensity is your own Wish. I would prescribe the Nutrition for you. And same should be done for the other three Jonins. I would talk with Kawaki for Mana Forging to others. "

She then looked at the Sky from outside the Window. Whatever it is from the New Era I f Pokemons. The Clash of the Worlds is bound to happen. And the interests will be analysed by the Pokemon Championship. Tsunade " Jiraya!!! " Jiraya " What's the Matter Tsunade!!? "

Tsunade said '' If Arceus wanted itself wanted to establish its divinity in Brad's World, Then there must be a heaven defying Secret is hiding there. Then Brad must be the Key. I feel that we must not give up this Chance. I choose to bet my Life on it. " She is a terrible looser in Money but not when she gambled her Life.

Jiraya smiled, Jiraya " Tsunade, I want to go to the Rain Village as a messenger of Konaha. " Tsunade got paralysed when she heard it unable to move for a Second. Tsunade " No!!!! As a Hokage. I would not permit such a dangerous mission. " She lashed out. Jiraya stayed silent, he knew how much of Reckless such action is.

Jiraya " Please Tsunade, this time everything is different. I can escape if I wanted to. I died last time due to the need for the Intel on Nagato. And this time, I am not there to Fight, but as a Messenger. " Tsunade in Dilema yet she knew Jiraya would sneak away even if she didn't let him leave.

Meanwhile in the Country of Grass. Brad with his amazing Psychic found the Sound Village in a matter of Seconds. Brad found Orochimaru who is conducting experiments. Brad without hesitation teleported to Orochimaru's side. As soon as Brad appeared, Orochimaru who sensed Fatal threat immediately turned and used Multiple Shadow Snake Hands.

Were multiple Snakes moved towards Brad and ready to Bite and Bind him. Brad took his Ditto Sword and slashed it cutting all the Snake Hands. Brad did not give Orochimaru a chance to escape. He used Psychic to put him under Mind Control. Brad then took him to Shigeru Village Border and captured a nearly a 100 White Zetsu in a period of One Hour.

He isolated their Psychic and had them in his Dimensional Space Ghost Castle area. Brad then went to Uzumaki Village. Where the Shinigami Mask is present. He then made Orochimaru open the Seal of the Shinigami and ressurect the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.