Resurrection Complete

Sarutobi Hiruzen waited quietly but his patience is running out, he feels fear of the consequences of all the people's disappearance, especially Tsunade and Jiraya. And what is worse, even in worst case Reanimation won't work for all the previous Hokage's again.

And finally at long last, Shisui Uchiha came out, he had only one eye and one eye closed, Orochimaru used Shisui's eye as Genetic Material to Reanimate him. Where his other eye is with Itachi. All the Reanimation cracked skins all disappeared, he appeared with clear skin and having a raging Vitality fully alive.

Then followed by him, Jiraya, Tsunade, Uchiha Mikato, Uchiha Fugaku, Minato Namikaze, Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Mito, Hyuga Hizashi, Yahiko, Nagato, Konan. But surprisingly Nagato did not have his Rinnegan and Nagato is not a bit bothered by it. Orochimaru, Nohara Rin, Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Sakamo Hatake, Madara Uchiha were yet to come out. Uchiha Fugaku saw that his Trusted Aides not present. He for sure knew that they did not survive, as Fugaku himself let the massacre happen, he knew the Burning pain that felt and ordinary People without extraordinary will cannot survive the White Flames.

Then after a long while, Hatake Sakamo came out, meanwhile Kushina and Minato was afraid as Nohara Rin did not came out, Jiraya rejoined with his Disciples in Rain Village. Brad was in deep meditation. Kushina " Minato, What has happened to Rin!!!!? " Minato " All we can do is trust in Rin. " Despite his calm voice, his hands showed the nervousness, from his short discussion, he knew that what is the consequences of the White Flames. Obito's cause and effect will affect Rin.

Mito and Tsunade believes in Hashirama that he would succeed. Then after a long while, Orochimaru and Tobirama Senju both appeared, after a long while Nohara Rin came out exactly in her Kid form as she was 13 years old. Kushina went and hugged her crying, she felt that she would loose her. Rin also hugged her back. Minato let go of his Nervous hands with full of sweat.

After a long while, both Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju appeared side by side, they have the exact look and appearance when they had signed the peace treaty and found the Leaf Village it is just that Madara had a normal eyes ( Which means he can activate his Eyes as he wished). Each of them had many things to talk, Even Tobirama did not show hostility to Madara. When hard facts of his Paranoia hits in the face. He needs to change.

Mito hugged Hashirama, So as Tsunade. Hashirama and Madara representing everyone bowed to Ho-oh. Madara " Thank you for allowing us to enter your Trials. And giving me a chance to atone for my Crimes. " Hashirama also bowed for the same reason. All of it started from him as a Core when his Ideas got twisted by his obsession for this village.

Ho-oh nodded, Ho-oh released his 7 coloured Flames as his Sacred Fire. Ho-oh " This Fire is my Sacred Flames, once Pokemons arrive in this world, my Incarnation will Permenantly reside in this Flames. Anyone who feels worthy can attempt my trial of Fire. As for Reviving of Death is out of question, as once you start reviving in Bulk, The Guardian of Ecology Zygarde will take action. And if Zygarde did not take action then Yveltal will be released and will take a Death Rampage. "

Ho-oh patiently and sternly warns about it. Tobirama and Orochimaru nodded as the once would likely break it is them. Now they knew that the Trial of Ho-oh is also to avoid the mass Resurrections that destroys the balance. Hashirama used his Wood Style and formed a Wood Pillar Torch. He would later transfer the Torch.

Ho-oh with the work is done left the trial and the Rainbow Pathway disappeared, The Oppression that bound the Village disapperead with that Mew was finally free from the Work of Protecting the weak. It is not that Ho-oh wanted to kill everyone. But the Characteristics Trait Pressure is so down played in the Game. For a powerful Legendary Pokemon, it's presence is similar to Gravity attack on normal People.

Brad is still in deep Meditative State, Charizard layed down near Brad, he also closed his Eyes as his Gains were really huge. His Blue Flames will further evolve and even he may develop other flames of Ho-oh. As each flames are overpowered in own way.

Hashirama " Tsuna!!! it is about time, you speak what is happening!? " Tsunade said everything that said and down to there are other worlds and a main world which is Brad's which the possibility of Doorway to higher Dimensions. Everyone listened attentively. And the Fugaku couple was glad that Sasukei really has a Legendary Pokemon of Fire that is blessed by Arceus, the creator God of Pokemons.

And what is even more is, Entei is said to be Trail Guardians of Ho-oh. Minato and Kushina did not knew that Naruto had a literal God with him as his Pokemon. They knew that Naruto is safe and all, they did not even have time to Visit Naruto. As Naruto also out of town.

A Fighting intent radiated on both Hashirama and Madara, which was later doused by the look of Mito Uzumaki. Madara " He resurrected us which means he has plans to have us help him in another World. He is to form his own forces. " Hashirama nodded, they did not disturb Brad at all.

Tobirama being a Research enthusiast, liked the idea of Science Gathering. He wanted to meet Elijah soon, Elijah did not participate such an event due to the facts that he is simply deeply engorsed in Studying White Zetsu down to Soul Level. White Zetsu is essentially a Human whose both Body and Soul are modified to adapt to all circumstances.

As he had many discoveries of it, as that Hashirama said " Since we are resurrected by Brad, we also have to pay him Back. And I am also interested in another worlds. " Madara '' I am responsible for many things down the line. I wanted to prove Hashirama that he was wrong only to find that we both are wrong. So I am going to search for the answers in another World. I am going to sort out all the mess I made. "