First SGA Game

Brad took Daniel, and Daniel Parents consented as he has no hope in Bloodline Integration System. Brad took him and let him learn about the Great Profound Scripture basic. But inorder to initiate the Great Profound Scripture ki. He needed to train relentlessly in Physical Aspects untill his body feels the Ki that is Neutral Energy in the atmosphere to be absorbed within him.

Brad too the Four People to a remote Location and took them to his Pocket Dimension. Olivia " Ohhh wow, they are all so cute. " She played with Pokemons. " Noah is surprised but again his face became normal. All he now wants is to return to his Sister. Brad then did the same as he let them bath in the Human Body Potential Improvement Water.

After that they are improved in terms of Physique. Brad " Felix had already trained for a year with me. He would be spending most of the Time in UVR and start to earn his own Bloodline. Meanwhile you guys before integration needs to undergo strict training these two months. I would not show any mercy. If you find you are weak, you would not survive this new World of SG. Have the thought that everything is a Life and death game. A small mistake leads to death of you and your close Family members. "

Olivia, Noah and Daniel were series. He created a Shadow Clone, he let the same conditions for them as he did Felix. Felix seeing this felt delight. Felix on the other hand was taken to other side. Brad " Felix, how is your current level in the Unown Magic Spells. " Felix " I am able to exert thrice the strength of my own Base Strength. Which is around 6000 BF. As for the Spells like Fire Ball, Aqua Spear, Vine thorn, Sand Storm are under current asrsenal which can be used to attack. But there is a Problem, My spells need Unown as a Medium. If not they don't work. "

Brad became considered this issue as Human Beings are like beings cursed to unable to control the Neutral Energy. So only way to utilise Neutral Energy is through means of the Three Celestial Languages. One Modifies the DNA, one used as Spells with Mental Energy, one used in Weapons. "

Brad " You know how to create a Neutral Energy Core right!? " Felix " Just yesterday, I have opened the Earth Chakra, I can start the Core Formation anytime. " Brad " Just create a Mana Core, after you reach Purification Realm. I will give you further information. " Felix nodded.

He had already went to Looby's shop and got ready with the Blood, he also invested in the Movie that he wanted and found his investment return. Brad has also repayed his Loan to the Bank. Felix started his First integration with the Jörmungandr Bloodline with 5%. Felix felt like dying, we can feel that his Body is changing rapidly his face becoming Handsome, His Hair become Silky and smooth with a Aromatic smell around them.

He obtained two passives namely Poison Immunity and Super Strength Passive. With this He can go upto 10,000 BF. He has already pushed his Elemental Affinity beyond 100. He had pushed his Talent in Poison even further to the Level of a Tier 7 Poison Bloodline. From that point, it was not possible for him to raise his Talent anymore but this itself is more than enough for the current him and his enemies.

And Brad still cannot think what would happen once Felix starts to have the Devourers And Imyr's heart. After Felix got refreshed after taking some Rejuvenating Potion. His Mutations looks super cool, Olivia became envious of His Hair. Olivia, Noah got the bloodline from their Family.

What Brad did was for Olivia, he saturated her Bloodline with as much as Grass Type Energy to the Bloodline with the Help of Asna. What exactly happening is the Bloodline is becoming Stronger in Life Cycle. As for Noah, he took the Yeti Bloodline to the Legendary Pokemons in the three worlds like Kyurem, Articuno. They improved the Grade of the Bloodline to a Higher Level.

Brad " No matter what Bloodline, how much improvement is done. They are going to be below the Primogenitors Bloodline, so it does not matter and Felix has Asna. As long as she wills it the Bloodline will stay obedient. " With that after another 5 months passed. The training became sufficient for them.

Noah and Olivia had started their Bloodline Integration each. She appeared cute with a Lilly flower sprouting above her head. She have multiple Blessing ability. A Perfect Priest Material. Noah on the Other hand had a shiny fur coat on him resembling a Handsome Yeti.

Daniel on the other hand started the initiation of Great Profound Scripture. His daily routine is fighting with Brad's Clone using weapons like Sword and learning Space type Spells with Unown. He is now similar to Minato and Kakashi. The Speed is power, he mixed Teleportation Jutsu spell with the Swordsmanship.

At present he is weakest of the Four but that doesn't mean he is weak in terms of Humans in Earth. He has the second highest talent regarding Potential, even greater than Nova. All the small matters have been done. Brad next day got into the UVR and applied for the Supremacy Games participation. He read all the rules and regulations carefully. He went and signed in for this.

He used an anonymous identity DARK SHADOW. What is even more surprising is the name Shadow is really available to his Luck he chose to take the name. After that, he ensured with Queen that Ditto is part of his Power. Queen " It is entirely a new Knowledge, do you wish to share this Knowledge with me for SG coins and Rewards. "

Brad " No, Not yet. " Queen " Yes sir, Brad. " With that he started spinning the Roulette. The Format that got selected is Puzzle Format. The Game is scheduled 10 days later Capture the Crown. Brad set limitations in his strength to only 5%. He did not dare to check his BF in UVR as Loki would knew it as soon as he did it.

Brad then entered the Training Center and practiced the Training as the location of Crown Battle is A Island which is bigger than two Big Districts combined together full of Dangers. The Island itself is Natural Maze.