Naruto : Domination: Chapter 80

"If I were to play a bit with my report... you. Once you passed some talk with Can you manage to portray yourself as someone that simply wants good fights? Is what I'd be best able to sell to Leader-sama."

Itachi's mind once more ran ahead of mine, showcasing yet another deep cover situation, but I could immediately see the kind of opportunities it would open.


Itachi was the only one to actually consider peace something attainable in the Elemental Nations, and after what Konoha had asked of him, he had somewhat accepted that his village didn't come before any other.

His only interest and hope had been or his brother to become strong enough to claim his eyes, in order to become absolutely capable of defending himself in the grim reality that we lived into.

But now, I had presented an alternative, and our best position would be inside of Akatsuki, ready to tear it down from within. More than that, we would be able to trust each other, because I had been acting in order to realize what Itachi had never truly considered an attainable reality.

"You'd need to heal yourself." I proposed, no way I was going to keep him as a cripple as my ally.

"How did you...?" he took a pained breath, "It doesn't matter, I cannot be healed." Itachi shook his head, making me tilt mine curiously, considering how much I was going to tell him.

Besides the Edo Tensei, I suspected that someone between Hashirama and Tsunade could figure out something, especially if made aware of Orochimaru' studies. A transplant of lungs wasn't something so impossible at the end of the day.

"Really? If what I've heard of the eyes of your leader is true, I'm guessing that he could pretty much fix you, the same is true for Kakuzu if he were to act under the supervision of someone competent.

Or even the White-Zetsu since he's made out of Hashirama cells, even if it would be better to have me on hand during the procedure, so I can keep them from placing strange fuinjutsu on you."

I told him before returning to the more important part of our conversation, "In any case, if you can steer your group in keeping up the hostilities, mostly by accepting the jobs that fan a bit the flames, it will give me more time to prepare the revolution that will follow."

"Konoha is in a good position for now, you're asking me to steer the quite terrifying force of my organization against my homecountry."

"I'm asking you to realize that your homecountry was never what you wanted it to be." I shook my head.

"I'm asking you to keep in mind that everything you did against your family was made at the time in order to avoid a civil war that would have been followed by the other Great Villages taking apart the Fire Nation.

I am asking you to remember that everyone in the Elemental Nations is a product of circumstance, and that giving me enough time to act dramatically increases the opportunity for a lasting change."

Itachi and I had a staredown for several seconds, and when I saw him coming to accept my plea, I smiled wide, deciding to leave him with something nice to keep in his hart.

"When I left for the Capital, Sasuke kept taking care of my greenhouse, making far too many tomatoes for his own good. And I had taught him how to play the guitar, it soothes him."

A familiar mixture of self-loathing and eagerness managed to worm its way onto Itachi features as his starved affection was nurtured, and for a single instant, he appeared almost hopeful.

"With your boss, pretend that you managed to keep up a genjutsu in order to stop me from going into Sage-Mode." I quickly planned, "But something that would require all of your attention in order to keep Nature Chakra from flowing into my coils."

Itachi slowly nodded: "We'll need a big fight, something that will leave tracks depicting a battle on Kisame's calibre."

I took a deep breath inside the world of Tsukuyomi, then smiled, managing to find the balance between the eagerness to test my mettle and the determination that had brought me to be the favourite student of Might Guy when I was a mere genin: "Suiton is my first affinity anyway."

The genjutsu shattered like glass around me, and I was once more in the clearing under the heavy downpour, rocketing towards Kisame faster than any had ever seen me go without Sage-Mode.


The droplets of rain would have felt like crystals shattering against me were it not for my Suiton, which negligently took over the water in my immediate surrounding, coalescing it in a razor-sharp whip that preceded me by a few steps while I raised my left arm, clearly putting all my weight behind a haymaker.

The water construct broke part once it neared Kisam's form, his own chakra disrupting my control and turning the improvised technique into nothing more than a paltry distraction.

By the time I reached Kisame, he had already took a step back, and he threw a powerful punch with his free right hand, likely nothing more than a distraction to open my defence for a clear downward slash with Samehada.

Sadly for him, my first teacher had been Might Guy, and my reaction was neither improvised nor standard.

His right hook went crashing against the side of my armour, where a thin layer of water made it slid behind me while my left arm clamped down, trapping Kisame's arm against my side while my right palm struck flatly the shark-man's elbow, stopping him from slashing me down.

At the same time, leveraging on my right foot, I landed my left on the nuke-nin's bended knee, that he had brought forward both as a layered feint for his first punch and in order to prepare for his following sword-attack.

A simple outward push with my weight was all that was needed to unbalance the shinobi. Kisame rooted himself with chakra on his remaining foot, and whipped his head towards me, fangs ablaze with chakra ready to tear into my flesh.

Immediately, I pushed sideways with my right foot, my left forearm rising on the inside of Kisame's right bicep as I twirled on my left foot once more on the ground after having kicked away the nuke-nin's leg.

I seamlessly shaped my chackra in a familiar pattern without need for hand signs, and a henge of myself was layered over my body while I split my attention and used an half-ram sign to produce a mizu-bunshin out of the water that the downpour was gifting me with.

As I spun, my force and momentum were enough to gain leverage on Kisame's shoulder, who found himself forced on his left knee and to release his grip on Samehada's hilt in order to sab forward with his fingers poised like a speartip, aiming for my femoral artery.

A twist of my right wrist forced him to abort his attack to avoid a shuriken severing his tendons while my upper body seemed to split: my henge right arm lunged for Kisame's exposed juncture between neck and shoulder.

A kunai tore through my henge and a second glint of steel forced me to bend backwards, my arms moving on their own in a practised movement and dislocating Kisame shoulder while snapping his elbow in the wrong direction.

I ignored the pained grunt of the shark-man as Itachi came inside my guard with a flurry of kicks and kunai held daintly with his fingers, close enough to present an actual threat on my life and forcing me to split my focus on two fronts: very much like when I fought Orochimaru, removing the weapon that could be of use only to my opponent was a primary objective.

My mizu-bunshin quickly took a scroll from my belt and darted in a small circle around the two Akatsuki members, unfurling the sealing supply as I called forth my chakra, freeing it into its wind-natured flavour, before dedicating myself faster than ever to one of my almost signature techniques.

"Uuugh..." Kisame groaned as he returned to his feet, nursing his broken arm in the brief lull of the battle, "It would be a good time to use your freaky eye, Itachi."

"The Tsukuyomi is the only thing stopping him from using nature chakra." was the quick and flat answer of the kinslayer.

Boar, Monkey and Dragon prepared the barrage of wind, and I folded it, letting the tension I was used to settle in the tenketsu at the base of my throat, before twisting my chakra into a hungry, raging flame and concluded with Boar, Horse, Tiger.

Jumping backwards, I blew my katon technique while letting go of my fūton one, molding them together, whispering.

"Ninpō: Shiroi honō!" (White blaze) and I let the wall of white-hot wall of flames over my two opponents.

It wasn't Madara's majestic destroyer flame or whatever OP skill those with plot armour were capable off in the last arcs of the manga, but being the result of a combination of fuuton and katon, it ended up being extremely chakra efficient.

As the white fire reached my opponents, Itachi being unable to use his own masterful control over katon to redirect my flames in order to sell his position to his leader-sama (and I suspected we were being watched by either zetsu or Obito), Kisame showcased exactly why he had been named the Tail-less Biju.

In a split second, the air grew dense and damp as his blue chakra flooded the area, the words of his technique drowned beneath the crushing roar of my Shiroi honō, and simply, out of nowhere, it appeared like god had declared 'there be water'.

The humungous amount of chakra surged forth from the sjark-man's mouth, followed immediately by an impossible amount of water that made my own attempt at the technique back when I had trained my genins look amateurish at best.

Water heavily laced with chakra surged forth in a perfect Hemisphere around our position, and it was only due to Kisame's solution and Itachi hasty retreat that my mizu-bunshin succeeded in sealing away Samehada.

The wall of flames surging from my mouth got snuffed out by the tidal wave coming forth, even the heat of my combined technique not enough to burn the water that held so much chakra of my opponent, which prevented the liquid from dissociating into oxygen and hydrogen.

The wall of water overcame my technique and slammed against my body, hard.


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