Act I, Final: Merging Reality

"You might be able to change everything, but I can see right through your eyes. Never underestimate a writer, Clarisse".

I was dumbfounded. Confused, I look at him, eyes still flooding with tears.

He smiled, and folded my glasses. He sat down beside me and offered a handkerchief.

"Pero medyo mahirap pa din talagang paniwalaan eh, na ikaw si Clarisse", he told me. I realized just then, na alam na niya. That I am Clarisse, and Clarisse is me. I couldn't say anything, as I was overwhelmed by my emotions. My mouth slowly gathered the strength to ask Keil how, but before I could even say a word, he already had the answer.

Keil's POV




Natulala ako ng bigla akong hinalikan ni Rie. It confused the heck out of me. But more importantly, I caught a glimpse of someone in her.

The person she was hiding under the guise of her glasses, from the first time I met her up until now.

Rie ran out of the room, pero hindi agad ako nakasunod. Oo, inaamin ko, I was flustered. I wasn't really expecting a kiss from her. But I had to get answers,

So I ran after her.

Dinig na dinig ang mabibigat na pagyabag ng mga paa ni Rie habang tinatahak nito ang hagdanan papunta sa rooftop. All I had to do was let those footsteps guide me to where she is, and to go after her as fast as I could. Actually, hindi ko alam kung bakit kailangan kong bilisan. It just felt like if I don't get there faster, I might never really reach her again.

When I reached the rooftop, sinalubong ako ng malakas na hangin, kasabay ng pag-iyak ni Rie.

I walked slowly towards her.

Nang makarating ako sa harapan niya ay lumuhod ako upang alisin ang salaming nababasa na ng kanyang mga luha.

I removed them, and looked at the most beautiful artwork I have ever seen. It was as if I had known all along, but tried to ignore.

Rie is Clarisse.

Natawa na lamang ako sa nalaman ko. I was too happy, I think, to discover such a plot twist in real life. I comforted her, as her face looked at me confused. Medyo nahihirapan siya magsalita dahil sa pag-iyak, pero alam kong gusto niya ding malaman kung paano ko natuklasan ang tungkol sa kanya.

"There was only one person who could make me feel like this", I thought as I ran towards you. Unti-unting luminaw sa bawat pagyabag ng paa mo, yung sagot na hinahanap ko. Sa bawat pagtunog ng mga yapak mo, pumipintig ang puso ko na para bang gusto akong unahan patungo sa'yo.

It can't be anything else.

It can't be anyone else,

Because I won't fall for anyone else.

I won't fall for just any other woman.

If it isn't you, then it can't be anyone else.

It has to be you.

Pumintig ang dibdib ko matapos na sabihin ang mga salitang iyon. That was when it sunk into me. That even if she becomes another person,

Even if Rie becomes another person,

or if she becomes someone different, I'd still love her just as much. And my heart will still recognize her, no matter what form her soul takes.

Rie's POV

Everything in front of me was slowly getting more vivid. I can clearly see his eyes, looking at only me. His smile melts away at my aching heart, as his hands continue to wipe away the tears.

I smiled back at him, whilst crying, and held out my hand. Inabot ko ang malamig niyang mga pisngi, at sumagot sa kanya.

"You really are one heck of an idiot, aren't you? Of course it can't just be me. There could've been a thousand more."

Magsasalita na sana muli si Keil, ngunit inunahan ko ito.

"This isn't destiny. It's a choice", I told him with confidence.



All of this,

It was all our choice.

You chose to accept every bit of me, every personality which I have.

"The same goes for me",

I affirmed him as I slowly leaned towards him.

You can be Keil, or "K", or any personality you like. I'd still have fallen for you as many times over.

Kasabay ng pagsambit ko sa mga salitang iyon ang pagtagpo ng aming mga labi.





I was the first one to wipe your tears away. Nung gabing iyon, I was there to witness you as you broke down. I was also there when you finally smiled. You were crying, but even so you glimmered in my eyes. At nung ngumiti ka na, tila naging araw bigla ang gabing iyon.

Today, you wiped my tears away the same way that I did to you. You're here to witness me as I broke down. At ngayon, nandito ka sa marahil pinakamasayang araw para sa'kin.

Dahil ngayong araw, hindi na ako mabubuhay bilang dalawang magkaibang tao. Wala nang dahilan para magtago, at wala na din akong itatago. You opened every door, Keil, for my sake.

Now it's my turn to open yours.

Act I, Final: Merging Reality
