You're presumptuous!

"Valerie, where have you been?

"Ma-- ma! Hikks... I want mama!"

"You shouldn't have been gone so long. Look at Daniel, he cried all night, his eyes are like pandas. You can't be a good mother!"

"You better hand him over to his father! You can't handle this situation anymore!"

Valerie was still braking and looking left and right, the sentences in the shadow of the chaos continued to haunt her head, but she couldn't say anything until her body was restless, and stiff, her breathing was labored, trying as hard as she could to speak.

", I won't hand him over!" Valerie screamed and immediately sat up panting, her eyes were dark looking forward, and the atmosphere seemed calm with a dim feel, but a few seconds later the lights came on.

She saw Damian standing next to the bed wearing only white short pants, showing off his athletic chest. Suddenly she saw herself, still wearing a dress but she felt strange about her femininity. It seemed a bit sticky, making her immediately look under the blanket, realizing that he wasn't wearing underwear anymore.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Damian asked, approaching Valerie.

She immediately threw a pillow at his handsome face. "You bastard!"

Damian immediately put the pillow away. "Hey... You shouldn't be angry!"

"Of course I'm angry. You're too much. You should have sent me back to Jerry's house, not sleeping with me here. You're crazy!" Valerie grumbled as she got out of bed, finding her underwear on the floor, immediately imagining what had happened there, whereas Daniel could never be without her for hours. "You don't know something is waiting for me. You're crazy, you shouldn't be doing this!"

"Who's waiting for you, Baby?" Damian asked casually.

Valerie was silent, fixing her clothes occasionally while glancing at Damian in annoyance.

She seemed to want to scream, saying that what he was doing would make their baby suffer. huh, but saying that will only increase the problem, make it even more impossible to run away from him, or the worst thing is to snatch the baby away and give him a stepmother.

'That would be a nightmare for me!' her mind screamed, putting on her heels in a hurry.

"I think everything will be fine, after all, you enjoy everything... I mean... you like what I do

... And I'm quite impressed that you have milk ..." Damian put his coffee on the table near the bed.

Valerie immediately looked at Damian in astonishment, she couldn't remember anything but maybe the man had done something with her breasts, but maybe he didn't understand that having milk was a sign that she was having a baby.

"What?" Damian asked.

"Um..." Valerie shook her head. "It's okay, I just... I just have to go!" She immediately looked for her bag until she found it on the table near the couch.

Damian hurriedly chased Valerie until he pulled her right in front of the door.

"What?" Valerie widened her eyes. "Don't you think it's enough that you've trapped me here?"

"I didn't mean to trap you..."

"No, you set me up. You served alcohol here, you know I'll get drunk after drinking it!"

"Baby, I didn't provide that for you, I didn't even expect us to meet..." Damian shrugged his shoulders. "And you ... .You want to drink it...I didn't ask you at all..."

Valerie was silent, feeling like this was her fault. But that didn't mean she would forgive Damian.

"Never mind, now let me go!" She withdrew her hand again.

Damian sighed. "I still miss you .."

"Miss me?" Valerie smiled sarcastically. "You have to remember, I'm no longer your fiancé. And what happened just now wasn't me... Of course, it wasn't me... I wasn't aware at all, even now I don't remember!" She continued to dodge, then immediately left in a hurry.

Damian followed Valerie until he stopped in the corridor, letting her walk hurriedly towards the elevator.

"When I see you again, don't even think about running away from me," he said ambitiously, then immediately returned to his room.


When she arrived at the elevator, Valerie checked her cell phone and saw that there were lots of incoming messages and calls from Samuel and Hannah, saying that Daniel was crying.

Samuel: There's a lot we have to talk about. Daniel and Hannah are Already at Jerry's apartment, we are waiting for you!

"Oh my God, it's even morning now!" She said frustratedly, imagining what would happen to Daniel all night without her, while she was having fun with Damian. Yes, she was sure they had fun last night, he even enjoyed her breasts, making her shudder in disgust.

Ting ...

The elevator opened, and Valerie immediately got out and accidentally met Elena and Darius who were about to enter.


Valerie was silent nervously, looking at Elena who immediately reminded her of the days when she was still dating Damian, always getting support but she disappointed her by just leaving.

"Um... Sorry, I have to go!" She hurriedly left the elevator area, thinking seeing Daniel's condition was more important than anything else.

"If I talk to her, she will ask a lot of questions, I will be even more trapped!" She grumbled, walking quickly without caring that several people noticed her messy appearance.

Yes, of course, her hair is messy, and her make-up is no longer fresh, especially her lips. Maybe it was because Damian had kissed her lips many times.


"She's here," Elena muttered in astonishment, overwhelmed by Valerie's appearance.

"Stupid girl, I will never forget how she humiliated our family!" Darius replied curtly.

Elena sighed. "She must have had a strong reason for leaving ask him again, can he answer? He'll just get angry and leave!"

"I don't want her to have anything to do with Damian anymore. I'm sure she's just cheating!"

"You are too sensitive..."

"Of course. I will not forgive the girl who played with my family, never!" Darius clenched his teeth.

Ting ...

The elevator door opened. Elena and Darius left the elevator, meeting Damian who was rushing towards them with his hair still messy.

"Damian, I saw it!" Elena exclaimed enthusiastically.

Damian frowned. "Who?"


Darius rolled his eyes, choosing to immediately go to his room.

"Damian, you have to chase her!" Elena exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I'll get her again," Damian replied, rushing towards the elevator.

Elena sighed and looked at Damian who was leaving her sight, suddenly imagining that if she managed to get Valerie back, then the wedding she had dreamed of all this time would happen, and of course, there would be a happy family, and then grandchildren.

'I'm sure they've just had a misunderstanding all this time... their relationship can still be repaired, especially since Damian still has an interest in her,' she thought hopefully.


Elsewhere, precisely at Jerry's house, Samuel knocked on his bedroom door several times with an angry look, then paced back and forth waiting for the door to be opened.


"You're stupid!" Samuel immediately grabbed Jerry's pajamas and threw a punch at his face.


"Hey!" Jerry immediately held his nose which suddenly hurt, looked at Samuel angrily, and panted. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Did you deliberately invite Valerie here even though you knew Damian and his family would come?" Samuel asked loudly.

"Yes!" Jerry said briefly. "But I don't think it was a mistake!"

"You want to bring them together?"

"No, I just did what I had to do. I invited Damian's family because that was the rule... We were friends for a long time..and I didn't force Valerie to come, but she forced herself to come!" explained Jerry irritably.

"You know, they met last night, even Mrs Elena played with Daniel!" Samuel replied with a glare.

Jerry smiled faintly. "Really?"

"This isn't funny!" Samuel exclaimed. "You know how Valerie hid from them, but your carelessness almost destroyed it all. What if Damian or Mrs Elena found out about Daniel? That means our struggle to hide Valerie will be in vain!"

Jerry shook his head. "I never really wanted to help him hide, but you did!" he pointed at Samuel.

Samuel was silent, still annoyed.

"You are the one who always influences Valerie to hide, and continues to hate Damian, but you also can't give her the best...If they accidentally get back together, maybe it's fate... No need to blame me!" Jerry exclaimed and walked closer to the door again. "I don't want to talk about this matter anymore. You ruined my happy day!" he snorted in annoyance, re-entering the room.

Samuel sighed, feeling hot and annoyed, imagining what Damian and Valerie had done. Yes, he knows they went together because he checked the CCTV around Jerry's house.

"Looks like I have to move quickly, I'm the one who deserves to be with her, not Damian!"