Can't believe the decision

"Because both of you have mistakes, there's no point in dwelling on them," Darius said with a serious gaze.

Valerie remained silent with a sardonic expression.

"Now, just give a conclusion... Will you go back to Damian or not? If you return to him, your son will be the heir to our family fortune... His life will be secure, and of course, you must proceed with your failed marriage... Divorce is not an option, whatever happens. That's the rule in the McCourtney family. Always demonstrate harmony... and, your son will soon receive education... I will pay for an expensive babysitter to take care of him... Educate him... Provide everything he needs to become a smart and skilled child. Then, he will deserve to inherit our family fortune...You just need to focus on Damian, making him happy so that he won't be tempted by other women... And...."

"What if I refuse?" Valerie asked before Darius finished speaking.

"Then don't play with his feelings," Darius replied curtly. "Stay away from him... Tell him you won't accept him, so he'll learn to find another love. And, of course, your son won't be the primary heir... But I'll still provide for him... I don't want him living in poverty, lacking; it would disgrace my family!"

Valerie furrowed her brow, staring at Darius as if he were offering choices without understanding her situation.

"How can I accept him again immediately? Then get married while Adriana and her husband are still sick, my father is still at sea... I'm not even sure I can face Damian's attitude, still a playboy. He might act faithful now, and show remorse, but he can't control himself when bored with me. Even when he was about to marry me, he could be tempted by my friend!" She finally vented her frustration. "And again, why are you setting rules for my son as if you want to keep him away from me? Why do you act as if you don't care about my feelings?"

"Because you're heartless too... I still can't forget how you embarrassed my family!" Darius scowled.

Valerie swallowed saliva, her breath racing, emotions brewing but unable to express them. Seeing Darius's gaze and demeanor convinced her that going back to Damian might only make her life less free (having to adhere to all of Darius's rules).

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you feel it's unfair because he hurt you first?" Darius wondered.

"No," Valerie whispered.

"Then what's your answer?"

"I will stay away from Damian..."

Darius smiled thinly. "Are you sure? Rejecting him means you will continue to suffer, and be poor... I'll only provide money for your son when he's 17."

"That's okay!" Valerie asserted with a sharp look in her eyes. "It's better than him losing every moment with me. And, even without inheriting from you, he will still have a secure life..."

"I don't understand your thinking... You'll cater to him, provide everything he needs with the income from writing... Writing a not-so-good novel..." Darius smiled thinly and then sighed.

Valerie became more emotional but clenched her hands as if controlling herself.

"If that's your choice, I can't force it. You've always been stubborn... You're a bad mother, choosing to preserve your selfishness rather than provide a better life for your son..."

Valerie stood up immediately, halting his words.

"I've made my decision, so you don't need to talk anymore," she said, pointing to the door. "You can leave now..."

"Are you kicking me out?" Darius stood.

"It's better than you seeing how wretched I am and unfit to be with Damian again!"

"Okay..." Darius sighed.


They glanced at Daniel, who had just come from the living room, walking with small steps and whining, his face slightly disheveled.

"Oh, sweetheart..." Valerie immediately picked up Daniel.

Darius hesitated, observing Daniel, so much like Damian.

"If you're willing to change your decision, you can give him a better life," he suggested.

"He already feels better now, even before," Valerie replied flatly.

"Okay... No chance after this. I won't touch him... I won't be trapped by his innocence..." Darius glanced at Daniel for a moment, then left.

With tearful eyes, Daniel looked seriously at Darius leaving.

"Who's that?" he asked, pointing.

"He... He's your grandpa," Valerie answered with a smile. "You have two grandpas. Grandpa Darius and Grandpa Stephen."


"Yes... They're busy working, so they can't play with you," explained Valerie, hugging Daniel, tears escaping her eyes. 'Forgive me... I didn't mean to be selfish by keeping you away from your grandpa, but... This is too difficult!' she screamed in her heart as if shattered by her recent decision.


Damian sat in an orange-toned bar with white lighting, accompanied by his friend, Frans.

"If I were you, I'd date a beauty queen rather than pursue Valerie... Who already embarrassed you and your family," Frans said with a thin smile, looking dashing in a gray suit and white jacket.

Damian sipped a glass of whiskey, pouring from the bottle in front of him.

"I'm not interested in anyone else but her now," he said.

"But she's not interested in you..."

"She is, but she's ashamed and reluctant to admit it." Damian drank half a glass again, then smiled thinly, his gaze seemingly recalling something. "You wouldn't guess this... We had sex after being separated for so long."

"What?" Frans furrowed his brow, leaning back.

Damian proudly smiled. "When I attended Jerry's wedding, I accidentally met her. And took her to a hotel... She acted like she had to reluctantly go with me, but I knew she couldn't refuse because maybe she missed me too. And it turned out to be true... She didn't refuse when I initiated intimacy."

"Oh... Wow!" Frans was impressed.

"Even this afternoon, I kissed her. She couldn't refuse, although she got angry in the end. But I know it's because she still wants me..."

"In that case, just ask her to come back with you!" Frans exclaimed enthusiastically.

Damian smiled thinly and finished his whiskey.

"I think you should move quickly before Samuel influences her again. We can't underestimate that scoundrel because he's a real traitor!" Frans clenched his fists as if irritated.

"Approaching Valerie right now requires patience... I also need introspection because she still doesn't trust me. And I don't need to worry too much about Samuel because Valerie's purpose in coming to me initially was to confirm that she and Samuel have no relationship... That means she never wanted Samuel... She didn't want to appear in a relationship with Samuel," Damian explained, then poured another glass of whiskey. "So I don't need to worry... I know she loves me."

Frans furrowed his brow, continuing to watch Damian, as if thinking about something.

"I just need to come to her often, be a good father... She'll know that I'm serious this time." Damian drank again.

"I hope your efforts are not in vain... You have to remember, Samuel is so cunning, he managed to hide Valerie for 2 years. We don't know what his plans are after this... If he was our good friend, he wouldn't have That...I think he likes Valerie so he keeps letting her hide, even helping her." Frans reminded him with a worried look.

"Valeri doesn't like him, I don't need to be afraid," replied Damian then drank another whiskey with a blank look. 'I will try to make sure that Samuel doesn't have time to meet Valerie. Maybe I should get him into trouble at work!' He said to himself, imagined by Samuel's face.