Adriana's anger at Valeri

Upon arriving at her parents' home, Valerie exited the car carrying the sleeping Daniel. She walked towards the front door and saw Adriana and her mother sitting casually on chairs on the terrace.

"What happened to you, Samuel?" Dana asked, standing up as Samuel approached.

"Nothing, just a small disagreement... with Damian," Samuel replied with a faint smile.

"You must have fought... with Damian," Adriana stated, disapprovingly.

"It's nothing... Besides, it was my fault," Samuel responded.

Valerie remained silent, continuing to walk towards the house, but Adriana followed her immediately.

"You should go inside," Dana suggested.

Samuel nodded, following Dana to the living room. He encountered Hannah, who was drinking coffee but stood up upon realizing his presence.

"Samuel," greeted Hannah.

"Hannah, you should treat Samuel's wounds. I'll get the first aid kit," Dana said, entering another room, presumably her bedroom.