I can't let you suffer

Upon arriving at her new home at exactly 3 p.m., Valerie directly organized the groceries in the fridge and cabinets, while Hannah cleaned the somewhat dusty rooms. Meanwhile, Daniel played with Adriana.

"Why don't we just tell Damian?" Adriana asked.

"The problem is, I have to keep my distance from him, so he shouldn't know I moved here. Not even Samuel or Darius should know," replied Valerie, placing boxed drinks forcefully in the fridge. She did it with intensity, as if emotional; her lips even looked pouty. "Who is really at fault here? I returned because I still have a conscience; I want him to know about his son. But why does everything have to be so complicated? Why doesn't his father seem to understand my feelings... Damian is the reason I didn't want to come back!" she finally vented.

Adriana stayed silent with Daniel on her lap, watching Valerie unable to contain her anger.