Disturbing lies

Dana was preparing breakfast with Leonne who was ready for school, but she was also talking to someone on the phone.

"This house is very lonely without you and Daniel," she said.

"Sorry, Mom… For now, I have to stay away from you…."I'm not ready to chat with Samuel or Mr McCourtney," replied Valerie from the phone. "I wasn't ready to meet Damian either, but last night he suddenly came. I don't know who told him about this house address….it makes me feel like it's useless for me to hide because the person I'm avoiding the most already knows where I am," she continued, sounding frustrated.

"The person who bought the house was his mother, so maybe his mother told him... Moreover, his mother still seems to support your relationship."

"But I've asked her to keep this a secret..."

Dana smiled faintly, her eyes glanced at Leonne who was eating sausage dipped with mayonnaise and sauce.