Go to Korea with him

One week had passed...

Valerie was in the boarding lounge, awaiting the departure of the plane that would take her to Korea with Daniel and Sandy.

"I actually like Korea, I really want to go there," Adriana said with a sad expression. "Unfortunately, Eduardo hasn't recovered yet..."

"It's fine... You can go there with him when he's healthy," Valerie replied, looking elegant in a black outfit and gray jacket, while Daniel was carried by Sandy, near the glass wall to see the outside scenery.

Adriana sighed, seemingly trying to accept the reality.


Valerie turned to Sandy approaching her.

"We need to board the plane now."

"Oh, okay..." Valerie hugged Adriana. "Pray that I can arrive and return safely."

"Yes, of course. I wish you the best..." Adriana released her embrace, then turned to kiss Daniel. She let them walk towards the airport exit with other passengers.