What happened

With quick steps and eyes full of anger, Damian walked down the hallway toward his father's room, ignoring the greetings of the employees passing by him.

Upon reaching the front of the room, he immediately turned the doorknob and pushed it open, entering to find his father seated, his gaze fixed on the documents on the desk.

"You're back," said Darius.

Damian shrugged off his black jacket and tossed it onto the sofa, then approached his father still in an angry mood.

"Did you enjoy your vacation?" Darius asked.

Damian remained silent, suspecting that his father already knew about his trip to Korea with Valerie.

"You've forgotten important schedules, you should have spent time with Karina... But you've forgotten all that just to be with that girl," Darius said with a cynical look.

"Her name is Valerie, and she's still my fiancée!" Damian retorted. "You shouldn't keep scaring her!"