Deceiving each other

Two days passed...

Damian is at the hospital, picking up Karina who has been allowed to upgrade the hospital because her condition has improved. but now her health depends on medication while waiting for a donor to be available for her, even though the doctor says that she must always rest.

"You don't need to do this, you have to focus on Valerie," she said as she walked slowly down the corridor with Damian.

"It's OK, don't talk about her anymore," Damian replied with a flat look, occasionally glancing at Karina who was embracing his arm.

"If I had not already requested medication from a doctor here, I would have chosen to return to Washington DC and request medication from the nearest doctor there."

"It's OK, besides I can always look after you. I'll pay the nurse to always be near you while I work."

"Thank you."