no need to hide

"I don't want to know, you need to prepare yourself to come here immediately and take care of Valerie and my son, do everything I want if you still consider me as your friend," Damian said with a cold stare directed at the TV in front of him while his hand held the phone to his right ear.

"Okay, I will come but I might bring my wife... She needs me," Jerry replied from the phone. "I need to find a new place for us there," he continued.

Damian immediately remembered his mother buying a house for Valerie.

"Maybe I can ask for help from my mother... I think she has access to contact real estate agents around here."

"Okay, I will talk to my wife."


Damian ended the call, then quickly pocketed his phone and walked towards Valerie's room.

He stopped at the doorway, seeing Valerie just sitting in the chair staring at her laptop as if she couldn't find inspiration to write.