Can't believe it

Valerie couldn't bring herself to do anything after witnessing Demian and Clara together a few hours ago. The woman sat solemnly, occasionally glancing at her son playing after breakfast and being bathed by Hannah.

The shadows of intimacy with Damian lately made her disgusted with herself, having been so happy, having high hopes, even hurting Samuel, but in the end, she also got hurt.

"I've hurt Samuel, I've faced threats from your father just to maintain our relationship. But what do I get? Why can't you ever change? Never satisfied with one woman... Am I too bad? Or maybe you can't let go because you also have feelings for yourself?"

"Valerie," Hannah called, coming in with a plate of croissants and a cup of coffee. "I baked your croissants..."

"Thank you," Valerie whispered.

Hannah sat beside Valerie, pitying her swollen face, her appearance slightly disheveled; her hair was hastily tied, and she hadn't showered since morning.