Jerry's plan

"Which conspiracy are you talking about?" Damian asked, pushing Jerry away from him. "I don't want to discuss anything, I want to go after Valeri now!" he exclaimed, attempting to walk towards Tristan's rented house, but Jerry stopped him once again.

"Please don't go see her because it will only make her hate you more!" Jerry exclaimed, blocking Damian's path.

Damian clenched his jaw, looking towards Tristan's house.

"To me, this is strange... That guy appears when you and Valerie argue, then he gets her attention... Don't you feel like this is all planned?" Jerry asked.

Damian shook his head, still gazing towards Tristan's rented house, imagining Valerie giving attention to him.

"We need to resolve this, prove that you're not wrong!" Jerry tapped Damian's arm to get his attention. "Understand... You can't solve problems with emotions!"