About boyfriend

At 8 p.m., Valerie was sitting relaxed on the couch with Daniel beside her, snacking while facing the TV showing kid's movies. Occasionally, the girl would also snack, so relaxed, as if she didn't want to think about her problems anymore.

"Umm, I love it!" mumbled Daniel as he continued to eat.

"It's made from potatoes, Mama will make it for you if you like," replied Valerie while eating, hugging Daniel from the side.

"You don't have to make it, you can buy it at the minimarket..."

"Hum, it's true, but it would be better if I make it. Healthier because it doesn't contain preservatives..."

"What are preservatives?" Daniel asked, looking up at his mother.

"Um..." Valerie took another potato snack. "It's something that makes food last longer without getting moldy or spoiled. It's not harmful to our health, but if we keep eating food like that constantly, it's also not good for our health... So maybe we can make it ourselves some time."