You're both are Bastard!

Damian remained silent, his hand still gripping Samuel's shirt, his eyes fixed on Valerie who was standing up while holding Daniel, who looked scared and surprised.

"Stop this madness!" Valerie exclaimed angrily, tears streaming down her face. "Both of you are despicable, wicked, you just keep hurting me, playing with me, fighting over me as if I'm some cheap commodity..."

Everyone fell silent, even Daniel immediately embraced Valerie's neck with his sad gaze.

"Isn't it enough for you to see me suffer because of your selfishness and foolishness? Isn't it enough for you to leave me with trauma and emotional scars?" Valerie wondered, looking at them with disgust. "Please... Stop this madness. It's enough that I'm hurt, enough that my heart is shattered, but don't break my son's heart... he doesn't deserve to see such things... He's been through enough already!"

"Valerie," Samuel murmured. "You know I want to..."