Tristan telling the truth

Damian knocked on the door of the room repeatedly, but Valerie still wouldn't open it while Daniel was with her in the room.

"Darling, please believe me... Karina is framing me... I'm sure she's colluding with my father because they don't approve of us getting married!" Damian exclaimed in frustration, running his hands through his hair. "Please, think about it... She's arranged all of this... She's..."

"Then who do you think impregnated her? Do you think she faked her pregnancy?" Valerie asked sternly from her room. "I really can't trust you anymore... You didn't even tell me that you were living with her!"

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get angry and leave me..." Damian retorted.

"Nonsense!" Valerie exclaimed followed by the sound of a thud against the door, as if she had kicked it. "Leave from here... don't ever come back if you can't prove all of these accusations!"