Super sweet

Hannah quickly wiped her tears upon hearing a knock on the door, making her panic as she immediately threw the pregnancy test into the trash can and hurried to open the door.

"Hans." She saw Hans looking at her anxiously.

"Are you vomiting again?" Hans asked, bending down to look at Hannah who was shorter than him. "I couldn't sleep in my room, I kept thinking about you, I thought you wouldn't be okay yet."

"Um... I'm fine..." Hannah smiled weakly. "The anti-nausea medicine you gave me has been really helpful so you don't need to worry anymore."

Hans sighed, then ran his fingers through Hannah's slightly messy hair.

"I'm glad to hear that," he said.

Hannah smiled awkwardly, feeling undeserving of Hans' attention because she was pregnant with Samuel's child. Slowly, she walked towards the couch, then glanced at Daniel who was sleeping but her mind was elsewhere.