Their anxiety

Already back at the hospital, Valerie entered the treatment room where Damian was. The woman walked towards the sofa with lazy steps, even throwing her bag there and then sitting with a frown.

"My love, what's wrong?" Damian asked, lying on the bed.

"My suspicions were correct. Probably Samuel is behind the attack on you... Maybe he's the one who ordered it," Valerie replied wearily.

Damian furrowed his brow. "But how could he do that? He's in prison, right? Did he instruct someone to..."

"He's been released." Valerie interrupted Damian, looking at him with a surprised expression. "And you'll be shocked to know who's responsible for his release."



Damian was immediately stunned, his mind drifting to Hannah, recalling the moment when Hannah told him that she had a relationship with Samuel, which began after they went to Korea with Valerie and Daniel to receive an award after winning a writing contest.