Samuel was the culprit

The next day...

Hannah had just woken up at 9 am, after a sleepless night filled with confusion over not being able to sleep, constantly thinking about Samuel. She didn't know how to fall asleep quickly, and with no entertainment like TV, and her phone still confiscated by the police, she felt lost.

"Oh my God... I think last night was the worst night of my life. No phone, no husband, no TV, and unable to sleep... And now I'm hungry!" she exclaimed in frustration, staring at the ceiling of the room, imagining moments with Samuel before he left for work. "Why didn't you come back? Why? Are you never going to come back? But why... Is it because you're truly guilty so you chose to run away before the police catch you?" She wondered, increasingly confused, frustrated, but also a little sad.

"Lucky me, I didn't love you too much..." She sighed heavily, then sat up.

The woman yawned, quickly covering it with her hand and looking around.