Sad and confused situation

Damian entered the emergency room with a frown until he saw Zac lying on the bed with his head wrapped in bandages and his right leg visibly injured, also wrapped in thick bandages. He approached the man immediately, then leaned over, gazing at him until he woke up and glanced at him.

"Who are you?" Zac asked.

"Fanny's employer," Damian replied shortly.

Zac fell silent immediately, remembering his argument in the car with Fanny that ended in a fatal accident.

"She should have been fulfilling her duty to take care of my son at kindergarten, but she was with you instead, and then got an accident. What were you two doing? Where were you going?" Damian wondered.

"She... She's my girlfriend," Zac replied nervously, visibly in pain. "We just wanted to spend time together while your son was at kindergarten."

"Don't lie!"

"No, I'm not lying... We do that often."